Closed adamkrellenstein closed 3 months ago
How two orders will match ? tx1_give_quantity, tx1_give_asset == tx2_get_quantity, tx2_get_asset and tx1_get_quantity, tx1_get_asset == tx2_give_quantity, tx2_give_asset
if yes, maybe it's possible to just add a boolean parameter for order
message (for instance exact_match
) ?
It'll be independent of the existing order system, just addr_1, asset_1, quantity_1
and addr_2, asset_2, quantity_2
in a whole new message type.
May I ask what you have in mind, a) in regards to atomic swaps and b) in the context of off-chain order matching? The exchange
branch is unfortunally not very telling.
The message will just exchange two quantities of two assets. All matching will be handled elsewhere.
The important code from that out-of-date branch:
#! /usr/bin/python3
import struct
import decimal
D = decimal.Decimal
import logging
from . import (util, config, exceptions, bitcoin, util)
LENGTH = 8 + 8 + 8 + 8
ID = 90
def validate (db, source, give_asset, give_quantity, get_asset, get_quantity, destination, btc_amount, block_index):
problems = []
cursor = db.cursor()
if not config.TESTNET:
problems.append('exchanges disabled')
if get_asset == config.BTC:
if destination:
if btc_amount < get_amount:
problems.append('insufficient {}'.format(config.BTC))
problems.append('no destination')
elif destination:
problems.append('unnecessary destination')
if give_asset == config.BTC:
problems.append('cannot give {}'.format(config.BTC))
if not isinstance(give_quantity, int):
problems.append('give_quantity must be in satoshis')
return problems
if not isinstance(get_quantity, int):
problems.append('get_quantity must be in satoshis')
return problems
if give_quantity <= 0: problems.append('non‐positive give quantity')
if get_quantity <= 0: problems.append('non‐positive get quantity')
if not give_quantity or not get_quantity:
problems.append('zero give or zero get')
cursor.execute('select * from issuances where (status = ? and asset = ?)', ('valid', give_asset))
if give_asset not in (config.BTC, config.XCP) and not cursor.fetchall():
problems.append('no such asset to give ({})'.format(give_asset))
cursor.execute('select * from issuances where (status = ? and asset = ?)', ('valid', get_asset))
if get_asset not in (config.BTC, config.XCP) and not cursor.fetchall():
problems.append('no such asset to get ({})'.format(get_asset))
# For SQLite3
if give_quantity > config.MAX_INT or get_quantity > config.MAX_INT:
problems.append('integer overflow')
return problems
def compose (db, source, give_asset, give_quantity, get_asset, get_quantity):
cursor = db.cursor()
balances = list(cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM balances WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''', (source, give_asset)))
if give_asset != config.BTC and (not balances or balances[0]['quantity'] < give_quantity):
raise exceptions.ExchangeError('insufficient funds')
if get_asset == config.BTC:
destination, btc_amount = source, get_quantity
destination, btc_amount = None, None
problems = validate(db, source, give_asset, give_quantity, get_asset, get_quantity, destination, btc_amount, util.last_block(db)['block_index'])
if problems: raise exceptions.ExchangeError(problems)
give_id = util.asset_id(give_asset)
get_id = util.asset_id(get_asset)
data = struct.pack(config.TXTYPE_FORMAT, ID)
data += struct.pack(FORMAT, give_id, give_quantity, get_id, get_quantity)
return (source, [], data)
def parse (db, tx, message):
cursor = db.cursor()
# Unpack message.
assert len(message) == LENGTH
give_id, give_quantity, get_id, get_quantity, expiration, fee_required = struct.unpack(FORMAT, message)
give_asset = util.asset_name(give_id)
get_asset = util.asset_name(get_id)
status = 'open'
except (AssertionError, struct.error) as e:
give_asset, give_quantity, get_asset, get_quantity, expiration, fee_required = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
status = 'invalid: could not unpack'
price = 0
if status == 'open':
try: price = util.price(get_quantity, give_quantity, tx['block_index'])
except Exception as e: pass
# Overorder
cursor.execute('''SELECT * FROM balances \
WHERE (address = ? AND asset = ?)''', (tx['source'], give_asset))
balances = list(cursor)
if give_asset != config.BTC:
if not balances:
give_quantity = 0
balance = balances[0]['quantity']
if balance < give_quantity:
give_quantity = balance
get_quantity = int(price * give_quantity)
problems = validate(db, tx['source'], give_asset, give_quantity, get_asset, get_quantity, expiration, fee_required, tx['block_index'])
if problems: status = 'invalid: ' + '; '.join(problems)
# Debit give quantity. (Escrow.)
if status == 'open':
if give_asset != config.BTC: # No need (or way) to debit BTC.
util.debit(db, tx['block_index'], tx['source'], give_asset, give_quantity, action='open order', event=tx['tx_hash'])
# Add parsed transaction to message-type–specific table.
bindings = {
'tx_index': tx['tx_index'],
'tx_hash': tx['tx_hash'],
'block_index': tx['block_index'],
'source': tx['source'],
'give_asset': give_asset,
'give_quantity': give_quantity,
'give_remaining': give_quantity,
'get_asset': get_asset,
'get_quantity': get_quantity,
'get_remaining': get_quantity,
'expiration': expiration,
'expire_index': tx['block_index'] + expiration,
'fee_required': fee_required,
'fee_required_remaining': fee_required,
'fee_provided': tx['fee'],
'fee_provided_remaining': tx['fee'],
'status': status,
sql='insert into orders values(:tx_index, :tx_hash, :block_index, :source, :give_asset, :give_quantity, :give_remaining, :get_asset, :get_quantity, :get_remaining, :expiration, :expire_index, :fee_required, :fee_required_remaining, :fee_provided, :fee_provided_remaining, :status)'
cursor.execute(sql, bindings)
# Match.
if status == 'open' and tx['block_index'] != config.MEMPOOL_BLOCK_INDEX:
match(db, tx)
# vim: tabstop=8 expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4
Related to #228.
For atomic exchanges (swaps) with off-chain order matching.
See branchexchange