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[enhancement] Time & date display #121

Open ghost opened 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

There's no current system time and timezone in the GUI (or, it's very difficult to find). It'd be nice to show this somewhere (maybe put it at the bottom of the left hand sidebar or up with the Settings).

When once places orders or does almost anything, time is of essence. In Network Stats I can see time & date of recent transactions, but I can't know how recent they are unless I can look up the current time somewhere.

Also, without that info working in full screen makes things less convenient because then you really can't see the system clock of your computer.

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robby-d commented 10 years ago

good idea

ghost commented 9 years ago

Also see #578, these should be done in one go.

ghost commented 9 years ago

493 is also related