CounterpartyXCP / counterwallet

Counterparty web wallet
147 stars 163 forks source link

feature request - quick register token #523

Open ProphetX10 opened 10 years ago

ProphetX10 commented 10 years ago

similar to how there is a "quick buy" form/view in the wallet

it would be very nice to have a "quick token" form/view

with a wizard for creating the JSON file and integration with some json file hosting service such as and an image file hosting service

so the work flow may look something like this

view 1

input field for name (tells user is available)

and check if user has enough funds

view 2

going through the json file wizard steps

view 3

packaging everything together for the user

user confirms

view 4

and legal stuff the user must agree to

view 5

buy button

view 6

order processing and link to and other service providers where the asset can be seen, perhaps some email notification service

--- Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](** We accept bounties via [Bountysource](
ghost commented 10 years ago

In #515 I proposed a subset of this. Now it's possible to issue asset very quickly, but what's missing is a bit more of metadata.

I proposed that the JSON file points to whatever location the user wants (it's up to the user to ensure the site's up and also that can be changed)

The legal part would be expensive (lawyers, translations, jurisdictions) and complicated if is to be provided for more than just English and the US market. I was thinking it would be best to leave that to the issuer who could specify (URL link to his TOCs) what applies to him. Then the buyer could decide if that works for him or not (e.g. one could avoid buying assets without sufficient legal / compliance info if he so wishes).

ProphetX10 commented 10 years ago

it is never good to leave the legal stuff to the user, very bad practice that will get one in big trouble... you pick a jurisdiction and that is the applicable law. i.e., applicable law is Hong Kong, Isle of Man, or New York, etc. wherever your lawyer is. that is how things work, at least from my 15 years of selling software and setting up companies.

i do not think it is a good idea to have just a json file pointer for a gui, this goes after a segment of the market that is not developers, one has to hand hold these people through the process, hence why a wizard is better.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Personally I don't mind how it's done, like I said in my enhancement request it's up for discussion.

Some considerations:

It makes sense to make this user friendly, but I considered the resources that would be required and thought to ask for a smaller and simpler (incremental) improvements.

As I said in #515 my primary hope is that issuers who want can easier identity their asset to allow for a better user experience and easier due diligence. If that is accommodated as a "must have" I'll chip in some XCP for a bounty. I will not object to having extra features if they make it as well :-)

Ignat99 commented 10 years ago

Some example JSON form:

Some ideas About Contracts: ... look to

Good Scripting Visual lang for contacts:

Extra links (i not read all of them, but Drakon good for contracts, IMHO.

It would be good, to make a contribution like technical specifications of JSON wizard, or the source code, or donations (more preferably, as the current donations is very small ( . I didn't even receive an e-mail from the bank, as money will be transferred by tip4commit after the collect ~1$ amount ).