CounterpartyXCP / counterwallet

Counterparty web wallet
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Asset ownership not showing up in wallet. #700

Closed jdogresorg closed 9 years ago

jdogresorg commented 9 years ago

I think I found another issue... My asset registration services creates an issuance from a vanity address, and then after it is registered, it transfers the asset ownership to the new owners address... all works perfectly fine, asset is issued and transferred perfectly fine... but asset never shows up in CP wallet.

I did some additional testing, issuing assets with 1 and 1.0 quantity, and then transferring ownership of asset to CP wallet :

Non-divisible asset with 0 quantity... doesn't show up in wallet

Divisible asset with 0.0 quantity... doesn't show up in wallet

Non-divisible asset with 1 quantity... doesnt show up in wallet

Divisible asset with 1.0 quantity... doesnt show up in wallet

Screenshot of wallet hours after transactions still showing no indication of ownership of above assets: image

As you can see, the transactions shows up fine on the blockchain, and are parsed fine, but assets are not appearing in wallet as one would expect. I reloaded and logged in a few different times to see if perhaps the asset would be detected on re-login. Also tried Chrome/Firefox... no joy.

jdogresorg commented 9 years ago

after counterblock restart assets appeared in wallet.