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Counterparty web wallet
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Netki Wallet Name integration #744

Open techguy613 opened 8 years ago

techguy613 commented 8 years ago

Hey all,

My name is Matt David and I'm one of the devs at Netki. We have spoken to Chris DeRose about integrating our Wallet Name Service into the Counterwallet, and I wanted to get your thoughts and opinions about such an integration.

At a high level, Netki's Wallet Name Service allows companies to abstract out public addresses for 'Wallet Names' like, which are automatically registered for users upon sign up. The example you may be familiar with is ChangeTip, which uses Netki's Partner Wallet Name Service to automatically register '' names for their users after they sign up.

I think that Wallet Names and Counterwallet could be great together. Wallet Names support static wallet addresses, BIP32 generated wallet addresses and BIP70 PaymentRequests (with static or BIP32 wallet addresses) via URL redirection. For more information about that, please check our dev page ( or just ask me.

Here's a link to a video demo of how the integration looks in the CoPay wallet:

Again, here is our dev page (w/ links to our API docs):


-- Matt

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unsystemizer commented 8 years ago

Matt, what is required for this - is it to insert code that uses Netki API in CW so that the names can be looked up, resolved and displayed in CW?

techguy613 commented 8 years ago

Thanks for question @unsystemizer! The idea for now would be to hit an API endpoint to do the lookup, resolve and display.

Note that this doesn't have to be the Netki API endpoint. We've made our Wallet Name Resolver service available on Github ( for anyone who wants to handle lookups.

Additionally, in the future we plan to create a DNSSEC resolution module for Javascript (as one doesn't seem to exist based on current googling) in order to handle Wallet Name resolution on the client side.

robby-d commented 8 years ago

open to merging a PR on this if it can be shown that the feature adds value for a regular user