CounterpartyXCP / counterwallet

Counterparty web wallet
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Bitcore update [against v1.7.0 branch] #758

Closed rubensayshi closed 8 years ago

rubensayshi commented 8 years ago


robby-d commented 8 years ago

ok, thanks. two options here: I've made a counterwallet-1.7.0 branch with counterwebdeps, you can issue that PR against that and update the deps line in this PR. Second option is just collapse all the counterwebdeps stuff into this PR, and I can merge it (and that way get rid of counterwebdeps). I'm good either way.

rubensayshi commented 8 years ago

merged counterwebdeps into this PR then, we had that in mind anyway, might as well do it now after you guys reviewed the changes.

rubensayshi commented 8 years ago

@robby-dermody could you explain the differences between develop, master and 1.7.0 branch? (maybe worth putting in README)

rubensayshi commented 8 years ago

I never tested the sweeping, asumed it would work considering it uses the same methods and all, but it doesn't ... fixing it now!

edit: hmm weird, it takes 4 retries and then works ... weither that is intentional or not, gonna try and figure out why xD

robby-d commented 8 years ago

A big part of the sweeping code is to control the rate of the txes, since bitcoind was giving us errors (-25 I think) if they were issued too quickly.

Counterwallet develop has some misc additional fixes not yet merged into master. This 1.7.0 branch is for the next major version of counterwallet which will have all of your changes. I just wanted to stage and test it before merging it up through develop and then into master, due to the amount and degree of changes.

rubensayshi commented 8 years ago

hmm, the sweeping works, most of the time.

the times it fails is when the create_send is not spending from the new transaction created by mergeOutputs, for w/e reason your node hasn't updated within that 5 seconds timeout yet ...

but the stuff from this PR works fine in the sweeping at least.