CounterpartyXCP / counterwallet

Counterparty web wallet
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Asset locking function generates JS error #775

Closed daxxog closed 8 years ago

daxxog commented 8 years ago

I own the token DARKCLAM and would like to lock the issuance. How would I go about doing that?

I hit "Lock Token Issuance" and it throws this error in the console on Chrome: (Also not working on Safari and Firefox)

Uncaught TypeError: onError is not a function(anonymous function)
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:35(anonymous function)
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:35(anonymous function)
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:13setTimeout (async)_delay
@ counterwallet-deps-min.js?v=e832848b6cf8:461CWPrivateKey.checkAndSignRawTransaction
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:13WalletViewModel.self.signAndBroadcastTxRaw
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:35WalletViewModel.self.signAndBroadcastTx
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:35(anonymous function)
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:35(anonymous function)
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:15gatheredResults.push.success
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:15ajaxOpts.success
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:15l
@ counterwallet-deps-min.js?v=e832848b6cf8:10c.fireWith
@ counterwallet-deps-min.js?v=e832848b6cf8:10k
@ counterwallet-deps-min.js?v=e832848b6cf8:12(anonymous function)
@ counterwallet-deps-min.js?v=e832848b6cf8:12XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
@ counterwallet-deps-min.js?v=e832848b6cf8:12x.extend.ajax
@ counterwallet-deps-min.js?v=e832848b6cf8:12fetchData
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:15makeJSONRPCCall
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:15_makeJSONAPICall
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:15_multiAPIPrimative
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:15multiAPIConsensus
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:15WalletViewModel.self.doTransaction
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:35bootbox.dialog.buttons.danger.callback
@ counterwallet-min.js?v=bdaab26f0f42:41processCallback
@ counterwallet-deps-min.js?v=e832848b6cf8:297(anonymous function)
@ counterwallet-deps-min.js?v=e832848b6cf8:297x.event.dispatch
@ counterwallet-deps-min.js?v=e832848b6cf8:11y.handle
@ counterwallet-deps-min.js?v=e832848b6cf8:11

Difficult for me to figure out what the error means due to minification, but maybe one of the developers here could help me? I'm on the official counterwallet server.

unsystemizer commented 8 years ago

Can you try in "private" mode, without any extensions? I just tried on and it worked fine for me in Opera

daxxog commented 8 years ago

Still got the same "TypeError: onError is not a function" on Chrome (latest) in incognito mode. I'll test on Opera private tommorow.

daxxog commented 8 years ago

Tested on Opera (latest version on Mac) in private mode. Still getting the same "Uncaught TypeError: onError" error.

unsystemizer commented 8 years ago

Have you tried on Coindaddy's CW, by any chance?

daxxog commented 8 years ago

Coindaddy is currently down, but I did test on it earlier and got the same results. screen shot 2016-03-23 at 9 34 53 am

unsystemizer commented 8 years ago

I tried on the official CW before on testnet and few hours ago on mainnet (using a free asset), it works for me.

daxxog commented 8 years ago

Still not working for me. Tried four different browsers. Tried "private" mode on all browsers. Tried coindady mirror. Nothing is working for me. screen shot 2016-03-25 at 10 19 31 pm

unsystemizer commented 8 years ago

@robby-dermody could it be something specific to the wallet cache?

daxxog commented 8 years ago

Is there any possible way for me to "manually" sign/broadcast a bitcoin transaction that can lock my token for me?

robby-d commented 8 years ago

This is probably a bug with counterwallet. If you have counterparty-client you can lock it. You'd send an issuance command with the description set to LOCK ( If you have that, we can help further there. I will try to fix this bug when I have the time

robby-d commented 8 years ago

this may be fixed with the update we just made ( ....i.e. could have been an underlying bitcore tx validation issue, looking at that traceback

this update will be live on new CW servers in a few days

robby-d commented 8 years ago

update going live today. I tested locking an asset on testnet and it worked. please reopen this if still an issue