CounterpartyXCP / counterwallet

Counterparty web wallet
147 stars 177 forks source link

Warning from [DOM] is shown in the console. #900

Open cryptcoin-junkey opened 3 years ago

cryptcoin-junkey commented 3 years ago
[DOM] Found 2 elements with non-unique id #sendFeeOption: (More info:
 <select id=​"sendFeeOption" name=​"feeOption" class=​"select2 select2-offscreen" data-bind=​"select2:​ { minimumResultsForSearch:​ 100 }​, value:​ feeOption, valueUpdate:​ 'input'" style=​"width:​100%" title tabindex=​"-1">​…​</select>​ 
 <select id=​"sendFeeOption" name=​"feeOption" class=​"select2 select2-offscreen" data-bind=​"select2:​ { minimumResultsForSearch:​ 100 }​, value:​ feeOption, valueUpdate:​ 'input'" style=​"width:​100%" title tabindex=​"-1">​…​</select>​

I checked the code and I found duplicated ID in balances.js and balances.html Is this harmless ?