Countly / countly-sdk-react-native-bridge

Countly SDK for React Native applications (bridge method)
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Foreground Push Notifications (Android) #358

Open peterkuiper opened 5 days ago

peterkuiper commented 5 days ago

In an Expo project I am working on, foreground Push Notifications are "hijacked" by countly-sdk-react-native-bridge on Android. After removing countly-sdk-react-native-bridge, foreground Push Notifications on Android work as expected.

We only want to use certain parts of Countly, but not Push Notifications. I did not find any option to disable Push Notifications from within the countly-sdk-react-native-bridge package.? I tried to disable it by patching the module itself but it seems the initialization is done in the Countly Android SDK.

It would be nice to be able to opt-in to the Countly Push Notifications service.

peterBrxwn commented 4 days ago

Hello @peterkuiper,

Are you experiencing this issue only on Android, or does it affect both platforms?

Can you elaborate more on ‘foreground Push Notifications are “hijacked” by countly-sdk-react-native-bridge on Android’?

Additionally, could you please share your SDK initialization code with us? It would also be helpful if you could check your codebase for any instances of the following methods:

peterkuiper commented 3 days ago

Hi @peterBrxwn We are only experiencing this on Android, iOS works fine.

As said, we are using Expo Push Notifications. Without the countly-sdk-react-native-bridge module installed, push notifications are received by the Expo push notification handlers when the app is in the foreground (i.e. the app is open) and background (or killed).

With the countly-sdk-react-native-bridge module installed, push notifications work, but only when the app is in the background (or killed). So when the app is in the foreground, it seems the countly-sdk-react-native-bridge module handles the incoming push notification, instead of the Expo push notification module. Hence the "hijacking".

This is the init function:

const enableCountlyAsync = async () => {
  if (__DEV__) {
    return false;

  // Setup Countly
  try {
    const initialized = await Countly.isInitialized();

    if (!initialized) {
      // Disable Countly internal debugging logs

      // Require consent for all features

      // Ensure that consent is required for features to work
      Countly.giveConsentInit(['events', 'views', 'sessions', 'scrolls', 'clicks']);

      // Initialize the countly SDK.
      await Countly.init(localConfig.countly.url, localConfig.countly.appKey);

      // Disable location tracking

      // Start session tracking

      return true;
  } catch (error) {
    if (__DEV__) {
      console.log('[enableCountlyAsync]', 'catch', error); // eslint-disable-line no-console

  return false;

These methods aren't called anywhere in our code:

We only use the Countly.recordView method.

peterBrxwn commented 3 days ago

Hi @peterkuiper,

Thank you for your prompt response.

Quick question: What version of the Countly SDK are you using?

peterkuiper commented 1 day ago

@peterBrxwn I tried until version 23.12.0, same issue. The current version in production use is 21.11.2.