Countly / countly-sdk-unity

Countly Product Analytics Unity SDK
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Deprecated and Obsolete Calls and Functions are Removed and Changed #163

Closed AliRKat closed 11 months ago

AliRKat commented 12 months ago

Countly.cs 1- L.78 - "[Obsolete("CrushReports is deprecated, please use CrashReports instead.")]" // 06.Jan.21 + 2- L.101 - "[Obsolete("OptionalParameters is deprecated, please use Location instead.")]" // 06.Jan.21 + 3- L.279 - "if (Configuration.EnableFirstAppLaunchSegment)" EnableFirstAppLaunchSegment is deprecated // 22.Feb.2021 + 4- L.315 - "OptionalParameters = new OptionalParametersCountlyService(Location, Configuration, _logHelper, Consents);" OptionalParameters is deprecated // 22.Feb.2021 + 5- L.469 - "CrashReports?.LogCallback(condition, stackTrace, type);" LogCallback is deprecated // 2.Jun.2021 +

CountlyConfiguration.cs 1- L.39 - "[Obsolete("EnableFirstAppLaunchSegment is deprecated, this is going to be removed in the future.")]" // 22.Feb.2021 + 2- L.59 - "[Obsolete("IgnoreSessionCooldown is deprecated, this is going to be removed in the future.")]" // 7.May.2021 + 3- L.162 - "IgnoreSessionCooldown = config.IgnoreSessionCooldown;" IgnoreSessionCooldown is deprecated // 7.May.2021 + 4- L.163 - "EnableFirstAppLaunchSegment = config.EnableFirstAppLaunchSegment;" EnableFirstAppLaunchSegment is deprecated // 22.Feb.2021 +

LocationTests.cs 1- L.29 - "private void AssertOptionalLocation(string gpsCoord, string city, string ipAddress, string countryCode)" // 14.Dec.2022 + 2- L.31 - "Assert.AreNotEqual(Countly.Instance.OptionalParameters, null);" OptionalParameters is deprecated // 14.Dec.2022 + 3- L.33 - "Assert.AreEqual(city, Countly.Instance.OptionalParameters.City);" OptionalParameters is deprecated // 14.Dec.2022 + 4- L.34 - "Assert.AreEqual(ipAddress, Countly.Instance.OptionalParameters.IPAddress);" OptionalParameters is deprecated // 14.Dec.2022 + 5- L.35 - "Assert.AreEqual(countryCode, Countly.Instance.OptionalParameters.CountryCode);" OptionalParameters is deprecated // 14.Dec.2022 + 6- L.36 - "Assert.AreEqual(gpsCoord, Countly.Instance.OptionalParameters.Location);" OptionalParameters is deprecated // 14.Dec.2022 + 7- L.73 - "public void TestLocationValuesSetDuringInitOnOptionalLocationService()" OptionalParameters is deprecated, function is useless // 6.Aug.2021 + 8- L.90 - "AssertOptionalLocation(latitude + "," + longitude, city, ipAddress, countryCode);" // 14.Dec.2022 + 9- L.92 - "Countly.Instance.OptionalParameters.DisableLocation();" OptionalParameters is deprecated // 14.Dec.2022 + 10- L.93 - "AssertOptionalLocation(null, null, null, null);" // 14.Dec.2022 + 11- L.116 - "Countly.Instance.OptionalParameters.SetLocation(countryCode, city, latitude + "," + longitude, ipAddress);" OptionalParameters is deprecated // 14.Dec.2022 + 12- L.120 - "Countly.Instance.OptionalParameters.SetCity("Lahore");" OptionalParameters is deprecated // 6.Aug.2021 + 13- L.121 - "Countly.Instance.OptionalParameters.SetIPAddress("");" OptionalParameters is deprecated // 6.Aug.2021 + 14- L.122 - "Countly.Instance.OptionalParameters.SetLocation(10.00, -10.00);" OptionalParameters is deprecated // 6.Aug.2021 + 15- L.123 - "Countly.Instance.OptionalParameters.SetCountryCode("PK");" OptionalParameters is deprecated // 14.Dec.2022 +

CountlyConfigModel.cs 1- L.11 - "[Obsolete("EnableFirstAppLaunchSegment is deprecated, this is going to be removed in the future.")]" // 22.Feb.2021 + 2- L.18 - "[Obsolete("IgnoreSessionCooldown is deprecated, this is going to be removed in the future.")]" // 7.May.2021 + 3- L.51 - "IgnoreSessionCooldown = ignoreSessionCooldown;" // 28.Jun.2019 + 4- L.64 - "return $"{nameof(Salt)}: {Salt}, {nameof(EnablePost)}: {EnablePost}, {nameof(EnableConsoleLogging)}: {EnableConsoleLogging}, {nameof(IgnoreSessionCooldown)}: {IgnoreSessionCooldown}, {nameof(NotificationMode)}: {NotificationMode}, {nameof(EnableManualSessionHandling)}: {EnableManualSessionHandling}, {nameof(SessionDuration)}: {SessionDuration}, {nameof(EventQueueThreshold)}: {EventQueueThreshold}, {nameof(StoredRequestLimit)}: {StoredRequestLimit}, {nameof(TotalBreadcrumbsAllowed)}: {TotalBreadcrumbsAllowed}, {nameof(EnableAutomaticCrashReporting)}: {EnableAutomaticCrashReporting}";" // 10.Nov.2020 +

CountlyEventModel.cs 1- L.62 - "[Obsolete("Timezone is deprecated, it will get removed in the future.")]" // 21.Dec.2020 + 2- L.90 - "return $"{nameof(Id)}: {Id}, {nameof(Key)}: {Key}, {nameof(Count)}: {Count}, {nameof(Sum)}: {Sum}, {nameof(Duration)}: {Duration}, {nameof(Segmentation)}: {Segmentation}, {nameof(Timestamp)}: {Timestamp}, {nameof(Hour)}: {Hour}, {nameof(DayOfWeek)}: {DayOfWeek}, {nameof(Timezone)}: {Timezone}";" // 20.Dec.2021 +

TimeMetricModel.cs 1- L.62 - "Timezone = TimeZone.CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset(currentDateTime).TotalMinutes.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)" // 21.Dec.2020 +

CrashReportsCountlyService.cs 1- L.65 - "[Obsolete("LogCallback is deprecated, this is going to be removed in the future.")]" // 22.Feb.2021 +

DeviceIdCountlyService.cs 1- L.101 - "[Obsolete("ChangeDeviceIdAndEndCurrentSessionAsync is deprecated, please use ChangeDeviceIdWithoutMerge method instead.")]" // 2.Jun.2021 + 2- L.169 - "[Obsolete("ChangeDeviceIdAndMergeSessionDataAsync is deprecated, please use ChangeDeviceIdWithMerge method instead.")]" // 2.Jun.2021 +

EventCountlyService.cs 1- L.281 - "[Obsolete("ReportCustomEventAsync is deprecated, please use RecordEventAsync method instead.")]" // 30.Apr.2021 +

OptionalParametersCountlyService.cs (Whole script is removed since OptionalParameters is deprecated) 1- L.28 - "[Obsolete("SetCountryCode is deprecated, please use SetLocation function of LocationService instead.")]" // 21.Dec.2021 + 2- L.38 - " [Obsolete("SetCity is deprecated, please use SetLocation function of LocationService instead.")]" // 21.Dec.2021 + 3- L.49 - "[Obsolete("SetLocation is deprecated, please use SetLocation function of LocationService instead.")]" // 21.Dec.2021 + 4- L.60 - "[Obsolete("SetIPAddress is deprecated, please use SetLocation function of LocationService instead.")]" // 21.Dec.2021 + 5- L.69 - "[Obsolete("DisableLocation is deprecated, please use DisableLocation function of LocationService instead.")]" // 21.Dec.2021 + 6- L.87 - "Log.Warning("[OptionalParametersCountlyService] OptionalParameters is deprecated, please use Location instead");" // 22.Feb.2021 +

UserDetailsCountlyService.cs 1- L.107 - "[Obsolete("SetCustomUserDetailsAsync is deprecated, please use SetCustomUserDetails method instead.")]" SetCustomUserDetails is used// 26.Nov.2021 +

UserCustomDetailsTests.cs TestUserDetailMethod_UserCustomDetailsAsync is removed since, SetCustomUserDetailsAsync is deprecated 1- L.414 - "await Countly.Instance.UserDetails.SetCustomUserDetailsAsync(userDetails);" // 4.Aug.2021 + 2- L.423 - "Countly.Instance.UserDetails.SetCustomUserDetailsAsync(userDetails);" // 26.Nov.2021 +

ViewCountlyService.cs Both obsolete functions removed 1- L.30 - "[Obsolete("RecordOpenViewAsync(string name, bool hasSessionBegunWithView) is deprecated, please use RecordOpenViewAsync(string name) instead.")]" // 31.May.2021 + 2- L.97 - "[Obsolete("RecordCloseViewAsync(string name, bool hasSessionBegunWithView) is deprecated, please use RecordCloseViewAsync(string name) instead.")]" // 31.May.2021 +

ViewTests.cs Both functions used as, RecordOpenViewAsync(string name) / RecordCloseViewAsync(string name) respectively. 1- L.134 - "await Countly.Instance.Views.RecordOpenViewAsync("open_view", false);" // 6.Aug.2021 + 2- L.135 - "await Countly.Instance.Views.RecordCloseViewAsync("close_view", false);" // 6.Aug.2021 +

UserDetails.cs 1- L.31 - "SetCustomeUserDetail()" function is removed since, SetCustomUserDetailsAsync() is deprecated // 16.Dec.2022 +

CountlyEntryPoint.cs 1- L.235 - " _ = Countly.Instance.UserDetails.SetCustomUserDetailsAsync(userDetails);" in, threads[12] SetCustomUserDetails(userDetails) is used// 16.Dec.2022 +