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Highlighting keywords when tutors mark essay questions #115

Open weiqingtoh opened 10 years ago

weiqingtoh commented 10 years ago

I am working on adding a feature for teachers/tutors to highlight certain keywords when grading essay question submissions. This will make it easy for them to eyeball certain parts of the answers instead of reaching the entire thing. I'm still exploring ways to persist it, either through caching or saving it in the model itself.

Ideally, this should look like an input block for tutors to type in keywords that they are looking for in the questions. Each keyword in the student's submission is highlighted in a different color. Keywords can be added or removed easily as well.

Would like to see if anyone has any other ideas/comments/critique on this as well.


fonglh commented 10 years ago

For consistency in marking, should all the tutors be made to use the same set of keywords?

weiqingtoh commented 10 years ago

Interesting suggestion - however I would prefer that tutors are given the choice to choose their own set of keywords. The question to ask here is: Does this help teachers in grading?

To contextualise, this feature was developed for secondary school teachers delivering courses on Coursemology. My opinion is that the use of the keywords depends on how the teachers/tutors/graders use this feature. Some might look out for keywords of common mistakes, others wish to fewer keywords while teachers might want to see all possible keywords. To provide that flexibility, I'd prefer each grader to have full control over their own set of keywords.

The suggestion still has its merits. In the future, the marking assistant should be a feature for teachers to help grade submissions - this includes marking rubrics. Instead of forcing the same set of keywords, it would be good for the lecturer (or head teacher) to 'suggest important keywords' to tutors.

fonglh commented 10 years ago

In that case, it might be useful to allow tutors to toggle the 'suggested important keywords' on with one click while their own custom keywords are deselected.

This will give them the flexibility of using their own keywords and the option to quickly switch to the 'suggested list' if they want to.

weiqingtoh commented 10 years ago


The feature will be named "Marking assistant". Marking Assistant is provided for text-based answers and is able to highlight keywords. Development is done on my forked branch: latest commit 9ace84c6ec .

Using Marking Assistant


  1. Marking assistant will highlight individual words only.
    • To add words, user must type their desired word into the text box and press enter.
    • If user enter multiple words ("apple orange"), only the first word will be highlighted ("apple").
    • The search for highlighted words is not case sensitive. ("Apple", "aPPLe", "applE" will be highlighted)
    • Partial words will not be highlighted. ("grapple", "apples" will not be highlighted)
  2. Each word will be highlighted with a different color - currently there are 6 colors in the color palette .
  3. The user can "Clear All Highlighted Words" using the "Clear All" button, or remove individual words by clicking on the cross sign.
  4. Clicking on Show/Hide will toggle the Marking Assistant.
    • Marking Assistant is collapsed when page loads.

Next Steps


weiqingtoh commented 9 years ago

@raymondtangsc @lowjoel @wangqiang1208 - I have a question regarding the storing of these keywords in the models (more of database design). I’ll explain the situation and 2 possible options that I came up with. I’d like to hear your opinions on it as well - really sorry if this is a noob question!


As above, I’m building a feature to assist graders - highlight keywords in text-based missions. Currently I have implemented the front end of it, and am looking to implement the models. There are two key requirements:


Option 1 - Two separate keyword tables Definitely not the best, but in view that suggested keywords might not match persisted keywords, it could be that we can separate suggested keywords as part of 1 table, and persisted keywords as part of another table. Option 2 - One keyword table with joins We can create a master keyword table, with all the different keywords (suggested and persisted). For each assessment, we can create a suggested_keyword association, and for each user_course_assessment, we can create a persisted_keyword association.


I plan to update the set of persisted keywords via AJAX calls upon every add/remove of a keyword => does this make sense?

Regarding keyword models, by right we should be normalising the tables and go for option 2. I’m just wondering if this implementing will be more efficient, and why?

My guess is that it depends on how many common words there are in suggested and persisted keywords. If the intersection is large, then we save space moving to option 2. In terms of search time I think both are similar. Option 1 is only useful as it might be slightly easier to implement.

cc- @fonglh @llja0112 @jsyeo @kxmbrian : Feel free to add on details or points as well.