Courseplay / courseplay

Courseplay for Farming Simulator 2019
GNU General Public License v3.0
955 stars 529 forks source link

where are we? #1346

Closed ThomasGaertner closed 7 years ago

ThomasGaertner commented 8 years ago

Dear all, since we are all trapped in reality, we where not able to force this project further for a long time. We are aware of the importance of it for many FS users. We will try to get it running on FS17 as well. If we spend our rare time for converting it, we are not able to answer the backlog of 184 open issues. For this reason we decided to close all open issues to get a chance to get feedback for the FS17 version. We hope, you will understand it and give feedback when we pushed the FS17 version. And NO, we don't get the FS17 earlier so you don't need to ask for a fix before mid of november :-)

tsikows commented 8 years ago

Woohoooo can't wait for 17

kwguk commented 8 years ago

I was really worried that you weren't going to make a version for FS17

I'm absolutely delighted you will be!

CP is the best mod for FS

Mopar commented 8 years ago

I agree, I consider CP to be a mandatory mod in FS 15, and greatly look forward to its FS 17 release.

On another note, I don't consider myself to be trapped by reality, but it does fight me on a daily basis ;)

mB-PiBox commented 8 years ago

So does this mean no bug/issue fixes for people that just bought FS15 and have no intention of buying FS17? From quick look mods work different in FS17 so they won't be backward compatible...

ThomasGaertner commented 8 years ago


mB-PiBox commented 8 years ago

Can you separate the option for "Stop at last point or at next trigger" -- make 1 option for each -- So on Grain transport it doesn't stop at trigger/unload but stops at silo/end of course.

kwguk commented 8 years ago

I think the answer to that will be no.

Read Thomas first post.

mB-PiBox commented 8 years ago

@kwguk meant in the FS17 version. -- but no worries, I've Forked the git and I'll make the changes myself.

MoslessNeo commented 8 years ago

This is great news for everyone.

omegaMV6 commented 8 years ago

Great news! Because no courseplay, no FS17. Sorry for my bad english!

gary-albano commented 7 years ago

I may purchase FS17 when CP has something for it. Smart move! +1

ChrisZaal commented 7 years ago

It would be good for people to remember that the devs are donating their time to this project. Considering the number of people who want this updated for FS17, now might be a good time to visit the Courseplay information page (Here for ease of access:, click on the donate button and slide them a few bucks.

It doesn't take too much to motivate programmers but showing your appreciation by putting your money where your mouth is can be a real game changer in how quickly they'll come back to this project. Thanks to the developers and expect another "coffee" donation from me in the near future. :-)

Umiyaki commented 7 years ago

After three years without a reaction close all comments without solving. Donate, really? I like donate if I see some progress.

ThomasGaertner commented 7 years ago

You don't have to donate at all ...

CaptACE commented 7 years ago

After reading this great news and using courseplay for years for free, i decided to donate.

TommyC81 commented 7 years ago

10 Euro donated, thanks for the hard work guys!

AgroWillem commented 7 years ago

Ahh Great news. CP is the best mod for FS ever. Gives me more then 50% gaming pleasure of FS.

[edit] Donated by PP [/edit]

SGFITZY commented 7 years ago

I am loving FS17 and Cannot wait for Courseplay to come out on it. To me its the only way to play the game. I donated $20.00 to the cause Good luck Guys cant wait to see what you come up with.

farmernick commented 7 years ago

Gaming sim is nothing the without CP, it really needs a 2017 mod to enjoy it. Please guy carry on the epic work

farmernick commented 7 years ago

Faming Sim

farmernick commented 7 years ago

is there any thing we can do to help

farmernick commented 7 years ago

Think we should all think about doing sone donations to these guys via there website to help motivate and show how badly farming sim 2017 needs cp

Simba76 commented 7 years ago

我期待着为CP LS17

berntseb commented 7 years ago

Hey guys. That's really good news. Do you need any assistance? I'm programming for 23 years now and playing LS/FS since 2011. I'm new to Lua, but to be honest it's not that far away from Ruby, Python and Groovy - programmed these among others during the last years. As you mentioned to be stuck in real life (which I totally understand) it maybe could help to get things done quicker by enhancing the team. I've even fixed some smaller bugs in 2015 version on my own behalf in the git clone (mainly problems with finding unloading places, attacher joints and stuff). So if you like to get some help, don't hesitate to contact me.

hsiverts commented 7 years ago

Hope you will find time to make courseplay for FS 17! €15 donated.

Satissis commented 7 years ago

Update: We are working on converting CP to FS17. Allot have changes since FS15 so there is allot to do before we will release the first beta here on GitHub.

@berntseb we can talk about it when we have the first beta out. We have direct contact with Giants now, so they are helping on infoes that have changed since FS15, which means we would have to explain allot of the new things, which would be easier for us to just do it our self at the moment ;)

JordyvA commented 7 years ago

Keep up the good work! You guys are awesome :)

Simba76 commented 7 years ago

Mentally support CP team!

SnoopBok commented 7 years ago

Great news to hear, also very promising that you were invited by Giants. I will make a donation too, I'm now realizing again how much I miss courseplay 😆

Homskiy commented 7 years ago

Mid of november is comming! ;)

SnoopBok commented 7 years ago

Why are some people talking about mid of november?

I love the new farming simulator but I really do miss courseplay 😆

Satissis commented 7 years ago

If some one have told you that CP would be ready around mid November, then they are wrong. I know that allot of you guys are waiting for it, but as I have mentioned a couple of times before, then it's just not as easy as it was to convert from FS13 to FS15, since allot have changed.

olavinto commented 7 years ago

The "mid November" time most likely came from the report that "all open issues have been closed because we are focusing on 2017 version. Don't expect updates before mid November". Or at least it was something along those lines. People often take public posts too seriously and after they get a time in their heads anything after that is considered delayed and will often be met with negative feedback. Patience is a virtue many people do not have, I've noticed over the years. Like for another post in this thread already: "After three years without a reaction close all comments without solving. Donate, really? I like donate if I see some progress.". Very negative (hostile even) and could have been said with a different tone.

AgroWillem commented 7 years ago

We have time. Things has changed in FS17. BGA/chaff handling is more difficult than in FS15. That could be a problem. I volunteer for beta-testing. ;)

And i agree that CP is missing in FS17. I went back to the FS15 game so i can use CP again. :P

Satissis commented 7 years ago

Things has changed in FS17. BGA/chaff handling is more difficult than in FS15. That could be a problem.

That is very true. We have been talking on how to handle this and found an solution, but we are not sure if it will be available in the first beta yet. If it's implemented, you will see a whole new behavior of the CP drivers ;)

santaranger commented 7 years ago

OK so I kinda created a GitHub account only to post here, to tell you to keep up the good work.

Any chance for an early beta release, with some of the safer driving modes only and the rest deactivated? (need combi mode so much :P) I'd offer my programming skills as well, but I'm not into this type of code. I could help with end-to-end testing though :D

Phantum commented 7 years ago

That is very true. We have been talking on how to handle this and found an solution, but we are not sure if it will be available in the first beta yet. If it's implemented, you will see a whole new behavior of the CP drivers ;)

Awesome! ;P

Outcastus commented 7 years ago

Is there a chance for like a trello or something to keep us updated on the current state/progress of the mod? I think it would go a long way to keeping some of the rumbling down about when this will be completed. AND it might help get some donations since some ppl worry about donating to something unfinished, but they dont seem to mind if they see some progress. This mod on FS15 was just about essential to singleplayer, the automation gave the game almost ALL of its fun transforming this game completely. Without it the game was pretty much having to drive beside a harvester 100 percent of the time if you had more than 2 fields or so to manage. And without courseplay all hay and straw and bale management had to be done by hand which was tedious as hell. With courseplay it was still tedious a lil bit, but it was transformed to more real life management of "Did my farm hands do their jobs right or did they do a half assed job and need retrained." Amazing mod, Please let us know where you're at cause we all REALLY want this one.

Phantum commented 7 years ago

to be honest I'd rather they spent their time working on it, than on trying to manage our impatience.

Fogest commented 7 years ago

Hey @Outcastus I'm not sure if any tracking will be posted publicly regarding the progress however I guess the best I can do is to let you know that progress is being made and it is actively being worked on by multiple people daily. Some things changed when going to FS17, and some projects like AutoCombine are not even going to exist in FS17 due to the changes made in the game.

Rest assured though, Courseplay will be updated for FS17! I guess for now your best bet is to progress your farm to get enough money for the bigger fields so that you're ready when Courseplay does get released for FS17.

Outcastus commented 7 years ago

I get what you're saying, phantum, but honestly, someone had posted something about donations in some kind of attitude in previous comments, seeming like they were annoyed at being asked a lot of questions, I just figured if they had something that provided the information that people wouldnt be bothering them with as many questions, and it might show progress and show potential investors they wouldnt be investing in a pipe dream. Autocombine isnt even gunna be in this version tho? you mean like having the truck go unload the combine for you isnt gunna work? So is it pretty much just programming paths then with this version and no automated interaction of the vehicles and/or tools?

Fogest commented 7 years ago

Are you referring to the AutoCombine mod made by other people? That is not being updated. However if you're referring to the field work with the combine, then that is already there. You shouldn't really be losing any features from the current FS15 CP.

Outcastus commented 7 years ago

No I was referring to only courseplay's autocombine feature. I believe with your answer that you were saying that a separate mod called Autocombine wont be made due to some fundamental changes to the game that "Autocombine mod" depended on. Will the new version of courseplay for FS17 have all the features of the fs15 version or is there some things that arent possible with the new Game Build as well? I always kind of felt that courseplay was kind of like using the multiplayer slots of the game to log in AI bots. but I'm a layman and dont know much about how this type of mod actually operates. Got me a little scared when I thought I wouldnt be able to have a truck go empty the combine automatically :)

Fogest commented 7 years ago

The truck emptying the combine works fine for me in tests. Some people in FS15 used an AutoCombine mod in combination with Courseplay and Courseplay provided support for that compatibility with the other mod. That mod is not being updated however. That is separate from the normal field work that can be done in Courseplay with the combine. The combine still works as before :)

Satissis commented 7 years ago

I have an update for you all. First off, Welcome to @Fogest. He have agreed to help on updating the user manual page we have on cp so Thomas and I can mainly focus on getting CP done. This is also why he have access to the latest build we have + insight in what's going on :) @skydanc3r is an former CP Developer from before my time, but he is helping out as well when he have the time and get around to know all the new changes since he was an developer.

CP Is getting there. Most of the features are converted over but there is still stuff we need to sort out, like: A new save system (which I'm currently working on) Yes new save system, this means that we hopefully should not have any problems anymore with corrupt saves. What is planed to do is: Save each course in it's own xml file, so the file size wont exceed the max file size that you can create in one go. Since we cant delete any folders or files anymore, due to Giants disabling the delete function for mods, we have to make an reusable file system, so if you delete an course, that file, will be wiped, and put into an holding position for the next course to save into. If there is no files left to use for saving an course, then we create an new one and keep track on that one as well.

An beta date...... Well we might have some internal date we want to try keep, but will not tell here in the public, since it's easier for us to not set an date to the public and then have to move the date again if we just cant hit the target. Hope you understand.

@Outcastus we do have an Pivotal Tracker going on our end, but only members invited into it, can view the current progress, like what we are working on right here and now. You can see it without being an member, but you can only see the done tasks we have done so far. If that's enough for you, I would happily share the link for it, but as mentioned before, it will only show the done tasks and not what we are working on or what we have in plans.

Just an weekend update from me :P Now back to work ;)

Tohva commented 7 years ago

I'm just leaving this here: You guys did an awesome job throughout FS15 when I first started playing FS and I am pretty sure you will amaze us again with a great and indispensable FS17 courseplay mod. Thank you for your work, devotion and the time you invest to make our gaming experience so good. And the fact that you still find the time to keep us up-to-date is remarkable. So keep up the good work. Donation is coming. Cheers and greetings from Germany.

Satissis commented 7 years ago

An update again from me. Yesterday I just finished the new save system. Here is what have changed:

courses and folders are saved in CoursePlay_Courses/(mapID)/ Each course is now saved in there own files courseManager.xml holds information on what course each file belongs to. courseManager.xml holds all the folder setup as well. All settings are stored in savegame(x)/courseplaySettings.xml file and only saved on save game save. All custom fields are stored in savegame(x)/courseplayCustomFields.xml file and only saved on save game save. If an old courseplay.xml is found, it will import all courses and folders from the old file into the new system under an import folder, so you can import multiply savegames courseplay.xml. Note: once imported, it will clean the old courseplay.xml to stop it from being imported multiply times. If an old courseplayFields.xml is found and courseplayCustomFields.xml is not found, it will import all the old custom fields into the new section.

All of these changes makes the saving an course allot faster and deleting an course is also really fast now, since it don't need to rewrite one big file with all the remaining courses in it. This should also remove all those corrupt file problems we are having, again, because it don't work with one big file anymore :)

ThomasGaertner commented 7 years ago

we also made Improvements for the combine unload mode: the sugarbeet harvester is able to create heaps. Of course the sugarbeet loader will be supported: you will need to drive it, but the tractors will work and take it as a usual combine ... fsscreen_2016_11_14_20_01_09

the BunkerSilo unloading mode has been adapted to the new tipAny structure of the game, it will autonomous search the Silo and unload it with a certain logic fsscreen_2016_11_20_00_25_58

and one thing on our list is : fsscreen_2016_11_20_12_39_42

SnoopBok commented 7 years ago

Great looking job guys, I'm getting so excited about this. Playing farming simulator 2017 isn't the same experience without courseplay!

AgroWillem commented 7 years ago

Wow, you guys are serious making progress! The "BGA-compressing thingy" looks an major issue to me indeed. But i am hopeful. ;)