Courseplay / courseplay

Courseplay for Farming Simulator 2019
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Issues with mod map Hof Bergmann FS19 by farmer_andy #3877

Closed SpacemanJay closed 5 years ago

SpacemanJay commented 5 years ago

When you try to save, the game hangs and you have to force exit. Here is the entry from the log file when it happens. It worked fine in version of the map. Naturally they say it's nothing they have done, even tho it worked before. I've emptied my mods folder, deleted the entire docs folder and let the game rebuild it, and verified game files via steam. log.txt

2019-06-07 21:19 Error: Running LUA method 'onSaveStartComplete'. 2019-06-07 21:19 C:/...FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_CoursePlay6/base.lua:1699: bad argument #1 to 'concat' (table expected, got nil) 2019-06-07 21:20 Application exit request forced.

Tensuko commented 5 years ago

Looks like some Trigger Issue:

2019-06-07 21:18 Error: Running LUA method 'loadTriggerCallback'. 2019-06-07 21:18 C:/Users/rsdnt/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_CoursePlay6/helpers.lua:129: attempt to call method 'getName' (a nil value)

Maybe this is it: 2019-06-07 21:18 C:/Users/rsdnt/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_HofBergmann/objects/roundbales/roundbaleHay_w112_d130.i3d (6.21 ms) 2019-06-07 21:18 data/objects/roundbales/roundbaleSilage_w112_d130.i3d (1.42 ms) 2019-06-07 21:19 Warning (script): 'setXMLInt': Argument 2 has wrong type. Expected: Int. Actual: Nil 2019-06-07 21:19 ......\src\base\scripting\lua\LuaScriptSystem.cpp (791): expectedType == Value::VoidType || expectedType == Value::ClassType 2019-06-07 21:19 LUA call stack: 2019-06-07 21:19 =C:/Users/rsdnt/OneDrive/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_CoursePlay6/base.lua (1698) : setXMLInt 2019-06-07 21:19 dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (896) : saveToXMLFile 2019-06-07 21:19 dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (827) : saveToXMLFile 2019-06-07 21:19 dataS/scripts/missions/mission00.lua (850) : saveVehicleList 2019-06-07 21:19 dataS/scripts/FSCareerMissionInfo.lua (292) : saveVehicles 2019-06-07 21:19 dataS/scripts/missions/SavegameController.lua (290) : saveToXMLFile

SpacemanJay commented 5 years ago

Thank you for looking at this. Their official position is that they don't use CP, so they have no interest in making sure their map works with it, even tho there are many, many comments in their forums from ppl asking about CP compatibility. They get angry about it even. It's also the best map I've ever seen, otherwise I'd just move on haha. Anything at all you guys can do?

Tensuko commented 5 years ago

Not sure but we will take alook into this for sure.

Tensuko commented 5 years ago

Helpers.lua Ref #3872

SpacemanJay commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much! Without CP I would have stopped playing long ago haha. Fingers crossed!

Pleasure0102 commented 5 years ago

Thank you for looking at this. Their official position is that they don't use CP, so they have no interest in making sure their map works with it, even tho there are many, many comments in their forums from ppl asking about CP compatibility. They get angry about it even. It's also the best map I've ever seen, otherwise I'd just move on haha. Anything at all you guys can do?

Well the problem is mostly you can't provide support for every mod to work with a map. Its just not possible. I actually talk with the creator a lot. And tbh we do not know what the issue is. It worked in an earlier version just fine.

cwattyeso commented 5 years ago

I imagine this map and author's who make maps like this are an absolute nightmare for the developers of mods like Courseplay. I can understand why an error is being caused by objects in the map like Bale Storage Points. Those are static objects, that really should be considered silos/misc buildings within the games placeable system. Yet for some weird reason this map author has decided that they should be setup as vehicles. The same thing applies to the other Production Stations around the map like the items that mix Pig Food, Cow Food, Cheese etc Why the mod author chose to set these up as vehicles makes no sense, when they are fixed objects in a map.

Pleasure0102 commented 5 years ago

I imagine this map and author's who make maps like this are an absolute nightmare for the developers of mods like Courseplay. I can understand why an error is being caused by objects in the map like Bale Storage Points. Those are static objects, that really should be considered silos/misc buildings within the games placeable system. Yet for some weird reason this map author has decided that they should be setup as vehicles. The same thing applies to the other Production Stations around the map like the items that mix Pig Food, Cow Food, Cheese etc Why the mod author chose to set these up as vehicles makes no sense, when they are fixed objects in a map.

Because you have no idea what they do :) they are automatic unload and stack systems which in the current system only work if they are setup as vehicles in this case as bale wagons. So they can stack the bales. You cannot set them up as other objects and make them do stuff vehicles do just like that.

SpacemanJay commented 5 years ago

Ohhh I wondered how those worked, they are very cool. I guess it's also worth noting that I don't have any log errors with all the other mods I use, 99% of them from Giants modhub. It's only when CP is introduced do they crop up, but again it's only with this map.

Pleasure0102 commented 5 years ago

well i will do whatever i can to help get this fixed, but i myself have no idea about scripting and stuff. So Only thing i can do is test things or let Andy know what we could to or test etc.

SpacemanJay commented 5 years ago


Maybe this will help as well. This is a fresh log with all the mods I'm currently using, including CP. I also marked where I saved. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem to have as many errors in this one before the "save" event. I wonder if it's because I've got several hours on the map now, and I've interacted with most everything, including the auto-haystacks...?

Tensuko commented 5 years ago

Well seems like they did a nice way to get some features into their map, but when buildings ore placables treated as a custom vehicle type (I guess?) that is ofc conflict potential. Not sure if there is anything doable from our side @pvaiko ?

Pleasure0102 commented 5 years ago

the issue also was not there in the first version. There were already vehicles as buildings present in that version.

Tensuko commented 5 years ago

Is there a changelog for the Map Update, so you can figure out, what causes the Error ?

SpacemanJay commented 5 years ago

Yes, here it is...

Changelog v1.0.0.1


New features / changes:

Updates Vehicles:

Pleasure0102 commented 5 years ago


this way would have been easier :)

Pleasure0102 commented 5 years ago

maybe a way to fix it could be that you add the courseplay option to each vehicle you buy, like the gps system does.

SpacemanJay commented 5 years ago

That sounds logical, FollowMe should do this is well, it's being installed to all the things it shouldn't be

Tensuko commented 5 years ago

maybe a way to fix it could be that you add the courseplay option to each vehicle you buy, like the gps system does.

That sounds like a good Idea, but I am not sure if that is possible with the current System, how CP handels. Specialy for the Tools.

SpacemanJay commented 5 years ago

Even with the relatively small number of ppl who have the map update, CP is still mentioned every day in those private forums. If they release this update without it working with CP, their public forums are going to explode with complaints, and they will get very annoyed, very quickly.

SIde note... anything you guys need from me please feel free to ask. Info, files, testing, anything.

Side Note 2... I just discovered this save fail will also corrupt the save. Good thing I have a backup lol

D3ltorohd commented 5 years ago

Maybe you can use a ignore or blacklist ? There we can entry vehicles like this static on the map and cp will ignore this vehicles to do something or react with it ?

Tensuko commented 5 years ago

No Idea... Cant give a solution yet, got to figure it out in the relatedIssue, but that takes some time, sry.

D3ltorohd commented 5 years ago

One more idea, maybe you can at a query and when something is missing, you can ignore this vehicle and cp works continue. Only some thoughts.

pvaiko commented 5 years ago

Does anyone have a clean download link to this map? (I still wonder if we should even think about supporting mods not on Modhub...)

SpacemanJay commented 5 years ago

Not sure if this will work, the updated version is only for "supporters" so far, so I doubt it. If it does not, let me know and I'll link it to you as soon as they make it public.

This map won't be on modhub, they say many of its unique features will not work on console

pvaiko commented 5 years ago

Wow. So the expectation is to fix a conflict with a mod which isn't even available publicly?

SpacemanJay commented 5 years ago

It'll prob go public tomorrow, they said after the weekend, I had no way of knowing if you needed the map or not, or if you could tell what was going on by the log, or how long it might take before you guys looked at it, or if you were even going to look at it at all. So... sorry?

D3ltorohd commented 5 years ago

@pvaiko the mod is publicly available the latest version but first for supporters and then for all. I think for testing purposes

Pleasure0102 commented 5 years ago

i have permission from the developer to share it with the CP devs, since he cannot figure out what the problem is. I will pm @pvaiko with the map dl link. Sent you an email to your email on your github profile.

pvaiko commented 5 years ago

@Pleasure0102 tell them to remove the aiVehicle specialization from their modDesc.xml, the line <specialization name="aiVehicle" /> must go away as Courseplay installs itself in vehicles which have the aiVehicle specialization. I'm not sure why a hay barn or hay dryer must have the aiVehicle spec.

In general, they should check their baseDrivableHB and only add specializations which are really necessary for what they are doing.

If you unzip the mod and delete that line from modDesc.xml it should be saving the game with no errors.

SpacemanJay commented 5 years ago

@pvaiko Trying this now, will report back in a few

Hell yeah! That's why we come to you man, you're a pro :) Saves correctly, loads correctly after saving, all the map features work, AI helpers work, and most importantly, CP works. Thanks so much for your help.

Pleasure0102 commented 5 years ago

done, messaged to farmer_andy and it seems to work :) thanks guys, the next version will have this set. And CP will work again, we will also post the fix in the forums so people can fix themselves.

This can be closed @pvaiko Thanks for all your help. Very much appreciated. Keep up the good work