Courseplay / courseplay

Courseplay for Farming Simulator 2019
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Horsch SW3500S Issues #5173

Closed Beattune closed 4 years ago

Beattune commented 4 years ago

Hey CP-Team,

first at all thank you for your work! I have some issues with the seeder Horsch SW3500S with attached an Pronto 6AS (see Sometimes when I use this seeder with CP everything works fine. But today it happend that CP all time says (sorry for german: "Gerät muss entladen werden"). I don't know why and I tried it to reproduce it also on Ravenport only with this mod and with CP. Same error, no entrys in the Logfile (see attached from my main savegame).

I can provide you more informations if needed.

Thank you for your help!


Tensuko commented 4 years ago

Will have a look.

Beattune commented 4 years ago

@Tensuko i found the problem. There is both options available. There is Mode 4 and Mode 6 available. I have choosed Mode 6 and there is it not working. In Mode 4 is it working as intended. So not really a bug, more a user problem :D