Courseware / buddypress-courseware

BuddyPress Courseware
GNU General Public License v2.0
121 stars 34 forks source link

admincourseware page not available since upgrade to 0.9.6 #81

Closed ntwrkguru closed 12 years ago

ntwrkguru commented 12 years ago


as an example leads to a 404 page. Deactivated, deleted the plugin dir, reinstalled the plugin but the issue remains. Is 0.9.5 still available?

stas commented 12 years ago

Funny, I don't remember why I did this 2a63b8e329398

ntwrkguru commented 12 years ago

So how would I enable courseware on a per-group basis as opposed to globally? Right now it's not ticked in the global box under the settings, but it seems that clicking the courseware link in the group admin is the place to enable it. Do you have some code I can use to patch it?