CouscousPHP / Couscous

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SEO optimization #160

Open wysow opened 8 years ago

wysow commented 8 years ago

I was wondering if we could implement something like what is described here for better SEO?

Just an idea for now, but what do you think guys?

mnapoli commented 8 years ago

That would be great. However I'm not sure how much metadata we can provide to the template since there is not much "reflection"/introspection on the content itself. E.g. to get the title of the current article we need #156. And the title/description of the website isn't in an "official" configuration key too.

We could define such configuration keys though… E.g.

    title: "..."
    description: "..."

All that would be optional of course. I'm not a SEO expert so I'm not sure what more info we could ask for, and how much of that info needs to be site-wide (couscous.yml) or page-specific (yaml front-matter).

wysow commented 8 years ago

I'm not an SEO expert neither, but as far as I know we could set some defaults in couscous.yml file and some specific in yaml front-matter for pages, so we could have something like this at the end:

displayed title: front matter title - couscous.yml default title OR couscous.yml default title only if no front matter provided.

description: front matter description if exist, couscous.yml one if not.

mnapoli commented 8 years ago

I think if it's just a matter of standard title and description it doesn't have a lot of added value IMO. It's already possible to do that with variables today and it's simple. In Github's Jekyll plugin they seem to add a lot of stuff, but I don't know if we can do something similar. Maybe it would be worth listing SEO tags that can be used, so that we can see which one we could fill and how.

wysow commented 8 years ago

Sure let's work on that because, yes, SEO is a little more than that for sure... ;)