CouscousPHP / Template-ReadTheDocs

Couscous template based on Sphinx theme
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Feature request for adding dividers or other html elements #4

Open top-kat opened 7 years ago

top-kat commented 7 years ago

Hi, I just wrote this bit of code. item.type can be all html elements that can be child of li element like span or a...

It can be used to make dividers for exemple

<{{ item.type is defined ? item.type : 'a' }} class="reference internal {{ itemId == currentMenu ? 'current' }}" href="{{ item.absoluteUrl|default(baseUrl ~ '/' ~ item.relativeUrl) }}"> {{ item.text|raw }} </{{ item.type is defined ? item.type : 'a' }}>

Also, are there a native way to do a submenu ? Should I implement one ?

(@mnapoli sorry for issue on light-theme, just a mistake cause I was on the wrong page :) )

obstschale commented 6 years ago

I was just looking at the code, if submenus were possible. Apparently not. So I would be grateful, if you could implement a submenu feature :)