Coyote21 / FoodRemover

First attempt at a Skyrim Mutagen Patcher. It randomly sets placed food objects to disabled based on the type of location it's in. I.e Dungeon food is all disabled, Farm food, only 25% is disabled. Percentages and locations are user configurable.
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 2 forks source link

Patcher suggestion #4

Open Glanzer-modder opened 2 years ago

Glanzer-modder commented 2 years ago

I see that a lot of food that is owned is also removed. It would be great to have an option that food that is owned is never removed, with the aim that there would be no "free food" sitting around. For example, at the Loreius farm food that is owned by Elinsa NPC is removed when I would like to see that left there. If this was an xedit script I might have some hope of additing in the condition, but I'm clueless with Synthesis.

Coyote21 commented 2 years ago

Great suggestion.... I'm not playing Skyrim much now, but history suggests I'll be returning to it eventually. I'll definitely be adding this feature when I get back into modding again.

Glanzer-modder commented 2 years ago

Hey Coyote21, after some trial and error and a fair amount of guesswork I was able to add the following line into your foreach loop in Program.cs and it excludes all owned food.

if (placedObjectGetter.Record.Ownership != null) continue;

Now all it needs is a option in the user GUI in Synthesis to turn that feature on/off. :)