CrackedPolishedBlackstoneBricksMC / voldeloom

Voldeloom But Weird
MIT License
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how do I create a minecraft mod with this? #2

Open marlester-dev opened 1 year ago

marlester-dev commented 1 year ago

There is no normal guide for this. I want to create a mc 1.6.4 mod with it, how do I do it? Is it fabric-loom for forge? Does it replace forgegradle?

marlester-dev commented 1 year ago

found something

quat1024 commented 1 year ago

Dunno why github didn't notify me for this comment, sorry! I really do need to put some ready-to-use sample projects somewhere (the ./sample folder in this repo is for testing only)

Is it fabric-loom for Forge?

It is somewhat based off the code in a very old version of Fabric Loom. But the projects have diverged significantly since the fork point wayyy back in 2020, and I don't think the core of Voldeloom has many similarities to Fabric Loom anymore. All code relating to the Fabric modloader has been removed. So it's kind of its own thing.

Does it replace forgegradle?

It "replaces ForgeGradle" in spirit - if you want to set up a mod for an older version of the game, you can use this instead of ForgeGradle. But it is not compatible with ForgeGradle. If you have an existing ForgeGradle project, changing it to use Voldeloom is more complicated than just swapping the plugin. So it's not a "replacement" in that sense.

Here's a complete build.gradle template for a 1.6.4 mod. Use Gradle 7.

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }
        maven { url "" }
    dependencies {
        classpath "agency.highlysuspect:voldeloom:2.3"

apply plugin: "agency.highlysuspect.voldeloom"

java.toolchain.languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(11)

String minecraftVersion = "1.6.4"
String forgeVersion = "1.6.4-"

dependencies {
    minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:${minecraftVersion}"
    forge "net.minecraftforge:forge:${forgeVersion}:universal"
    mappings "net.minecraftforge:forge:${forgeVersion}:src@zip"
Consumedgrub2 commented 1 month ago

So for clarity, since I need to do the same thing as OP, (Im new to ancient minecraft modding) this does make a forge mod that can be loaded with fml? Right? (Also kinda new to modding, just want to attempt to port an old childhood mod) (Apologies, extremely dumb question but I just see fabric in the in some places of the project so I just want to be sure but I wanna say yes to my question) (I only know about forge not fabric, not really familiar with fabric)

unascribed commented 1 month ago

Yes, Voldeloom emits standard Forge/FML mods loadable in a completely standard Forge environment. No tricks.

The codebase is originally based on Fabric Loom, but has heavily diverged at this point. It's a genetic relation, not a functional one.