CrackedPolishedBlackstoneBricksMC / voldeloom

Voldeloom But Weird
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Allow using Userdev mappings more easily #8

Open Fuyukai opened 10 months ago

Fuyukai commented 10 months ago

Some Forge versions (and by some versions, I mean 1.7.10) have a -userdev jar (it's the same link on forge maven, but with -userdev.jar instead of -universal.jar) which contains their own set of MCP mappings. The 1.7.10 modded ecosystem (perhaps inadvertenly, given how these are sort of half-complete) with RetroFuturaGradle uses these extensively. It's not a problem with proper remapping support except for Mixin accessors, which sometimes use the original Userdev mapping field name.

Unfortunately, neither mappings("net.minecraftforge:forge:1.7.10-") or mappings(volde.layered { importBaseZip("net.minecraftforge:forge:1.7.10-") }) works, but you can specify the path to the CSV files manually if you've ever ran a RetroFuturaGradle import and it works fine.