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Page not rendering due to unterminated jsx content? #56

Closed johanperjulius1 closed 4 years ago

johanperjulius1 commented 4 years ago

Problem with rendering

My react page isn't rendering after I start up the yarn server. The error message says unterminated jsx issue and point to: /home/johan/craftacademy/bootcamp/react_portfolio/src/index.js: Unterminated JSX contents (27:18). I can't see what the issue is but I suspect it is something about closing empty brackets.

ERROR in ./src/index.js Module build failed (from ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js): SyntaxError: /home/johan/craftacademy/bootcamp/react_portfolio/src/index.js: Unterminated JSX contents (27:18)

25 | 26 |

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I have tried commenting out different parts of the code but it doesn't help. I have also tried to simplify the code. The error of unterminated jsx contents then just moves up in the code to a diffrent section. Again, I suspect that it concerns either the empty brackets, some syntax or closing syntax missing that breaks it. That could be entirely wrong.


Please add a story if applicable

As a User,
I want to visit a portfolio website
I would like to see the sample projects


Please write a spec if any between the back ticks

describe("Portfolio interface", () => {
it("successfully renders", () => {

Implementation code

Please add your implementation code between the back ticks in the example below

aimport React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import Hello from "./Hello"; import Header from "./Header"; import Footer from "./Footer"; import { Switch, Route, BrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom"; import Projects from "./Projects"; import About from "./About";

const App = () => {
  return (
      <Header />
        <Route exact path="/" component={Hello}></Route>
        <Route exact path="/about" component={About}></Route>
        <Route exact path="/projects" component={Projects}></Route> 
      <Footer />

   <App /> 




How did you try to solve the problem?

Write the steps you took to try to fix the problem here

Markdown guide

johanperjulius1 commented 4 years ago

Emma helped me fix it by closen the empty element tag. I missed an / in </>. :1st_place_medal: