CraftJarvis / MC-Simulator

A modified version of MineDojo
MIT License
8 stars 4 forks source link

`python minedojo/scripts/`报错 #4

Open Curious-L opened 2 months ago

Curious-L commented 2 months ago


[INFO] Create a task with prompt: shear a sheep with shears and a sheep nearby
>>>>>> Launching a Malmo instance with online mode <<<<<<
[INFO:minedojo.tasks] Loaded 1572 Programmatic tasks, 1558 Creative tasks, and 1 special task: "Playthrough". Totally 3131 tasks loaded.
Minecraft build or launch just failed on attempt 1/10.This is probably an intermittent race condition. Trying again (max tries 10).
>>>>>> Launching a Malmo instance with online mode <<<<<<
[INFO:minedojo.tasks] Loaded 1572 Programmatic tasks, 1558 Creative tasks, and 1 special task: "Playthrough". Totally 3131 tasks loaded.
Minecraft build or launch just failed on attempt 2/10.This is probably an intermittent race condition. Trying again (max tries 10).
>>>>>> Launching a Malmo instance with online mode <<<<<<
[INFO:minedojo.tasks] Loaded 1572 Programmatic tasks, 1558 Creative tasks, and 1 special task: "Playthrough". Totally 3131 tasks loaded.
Minecraft build or launch just failed on attempt 3/10.This is probably an intermittent race condition. Trying again (max tries 10).
>>>>>> Launching a Malmo instance with online mode <<<<<<
[INFO:minedojo.tasks] Loaded 1572 Programmatic tasks, 1558 Creative tasks, and 1 special task: "Playthrough". Totally 3131 tasks loaded.
Minecraft build or launch just failed on attempt 4/10.This is probably an intermittent race condition. Trying again (max tries 10).
>>>>>> Launching a Malmo instance with online mode <<<<<<
[INFO:minedojo.tasks] Loaded 1572 Programmatic tasks, 1558 Creative tasks, and 1 special task: "Playthrough". Totally 3131 tasks loaded.
Minecraft build or launch just failed on attempt 5/10.This is probably an intermittent race condition. Trying again (max tries 10).
>>>>>> Launching a Malmo instance with online mode <<<<<<
[INFO:minedojo.tasks] Loaded 1572 Programmatic tasks, 1558 Creative tasks, and 1 special task: "Playthrough". Totally 3131 tasks loaded.
Minecraft build or launch just failed on attempt 6/10.This is probably an intermittent race condition. Trying again (max tries 10).
>>>>>> Launching a Malmo instance with online mode <<<<<<
[INFO:minedojo.tasks] Loaded 1572 Programmatic tasks, 1558 Creative tasks, and 1 special task: "Playthrough". Totally 3131 tasks loaded.
Minecraft build or launch just failed on attempt 7/10.This is probably an intermittent race condition. Trying again (max tries 10).
>>>>>> Launching a Malmo instance with online mode <<<<<<
[INFO:minedojo.tasks] Loaded 1572 Programmatic tasks, 1558 Creative tasks, and 1 special task: "Playthrough". Totally 3131 tasks loaded.
Minecraft build or launch just failed on attempt 8/10.This is probably an intermittent race condition. Trying again (max tries 10).
>>>>>> Launching a Malmo instance with online mode <<<<<<
[INFO:minedojo.tasks] Loaded 1572 Programmatic tasks, 1558 Creative tasks, and 1 special task: "Playthrough". Totally 3131 tasks loaded.
Minecraft build or launch just failed on attempt 9/10.This is probably an intermittent race condition. Trying again (max tries 10).
>>>>>> Launching a Malmo instance with online mode <<<<<<
[INFO:minedojo.tasks] Loaded 1572 Programmatic tasks, 1558 Creative tasks, and 1 special task: "Playthrough". Totally 3131 tasks loaded.
Minecraft build or launch just failed on attempt 10/10.This is probably an intermittent race condition. Trying again (max tries 10).
alset0326 commented 3 weeks ago

try this first, fix mixingradle

diff --git a/minedojo/sim/Malmo/Minecraft/build.gradle b/minedojo/sim/Malmo/Mine
index e585c14..4ad2d7a 100755
--- a/minedojo/sim/Malmo/Minecraft/build.gradle
+++ b/minedojo/sim/Malmo/Minecraft/build.gradle
@@ -13,10 +13,12 @@ buildscript {
             name = "sonatype"
             url = ""
+        maven { url '' }
     dependencies {
         classpath 'org.ow2.asm:asm:6.0'
-        classpath('com.github.SpongePowered:MixinGradle:dcfaf61'){ // 0.6
+        classpath('org.spongepowered:mixingradle:0.6-SNAPSHOT'){ // 0.6
             // Because forgegradle requires 6.0 (not -debug-all) while mixingradle depends on 5.0
             // and putting mixin right here will place it before forge in the class loader
             exclude group: 'org.ow2.asm', module: 'asm-debug-all'

then, fix assets err

cd $HOME/.gradle/caches/minecraft/assets
grep -e '[a-zA-Z0-9]\{40\}' -o indexes/*.json | awk '{ print substr($0,0,2)"/"$0}' | xargs -n 1 -I '{}' curl '{}' -o 'objects/{}'