CraftySalamander / RTS_Overlay

Overlay for RTS, with build orders, match data...
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Most of the build orders arent working from #13

Closed talibahmed11 closed 1 year ago

talibahmed11 commented 1 year ago

Most of the build order from the arent working. Also cannot figure out why, especially after looking at the code. For example this is a build order for 1Range archer that works.

{ "name": "1Range Archers", "civilization": "Any", "author": "Hera", "source": "", "description": "Recommended Civs: Britons, Mayans, Ethiopians, Tatars, Vikings", "build_order": [ { "villager_count": 6, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 0, "food": 6, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "2 @other/House_aoe2DE.png@ + 6 on @animal/Sheep_aoe2DE.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 9, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 3, "food": 6, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "@lumber_camp/Lumber_camp_aoe2de.png@ + 3 on @resource/Aoe2de_wood.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 10, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 3, "food": 7, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "1 Lures @animal/Boar_aoe2DE.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 11, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 3, "food": 8, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "@other/House_aoe2DE.png@ + @mill/Mill_aoe2de.png@ + 1 on @resource/BerryBushDE.png@", "Push 3 @animal/Deer_aoe2DE.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 17, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 3, "food": 14, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "6 on @resource/Aoe2de_food.png@ Under @town_center/Towncenter_aoe2DE.png@", "Lure @animal/Boar_aoe2DE.png@ With @resource/MaleVillDE.jpg@ Under @town_center/Towncenter_aoe2DE.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 19, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 5, "food": 14, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "2 on @resource/Aoe2de_wood.png@", "Research @town_center/LoomDE.png@", "Perfect time 7:05", "Research 20 Pop @age/FeudalAgeIconDE_alpha.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 19, "age": 2, "resources": { "wood": 12, "food": 4, "gold": 2, "stone": 0, "builder": 1 }, "notes": [ "Before @age/FeudalAgeIconDE_alpha.png@", "5 @resource/Aoe2de_food.png@ Under @town_center/Towncenter_aoe2DE.png@ \u2192 5 @resource/Aoe2de_wood.png@ + @lumber_camp/Lumber_camp_aoe2de.png@", "2 @resource/Aoe2de_food.png@ Under @town_center/Towncenter_aoe2DE.png@ \u2192 2 Straggler Tree", "1 @resource/Aoe2de_food.png@ Under @town_center/Towncenter_aoe2DE.png@ \u2192 1 Builder + @other/House_aoe2DE.png@", "@barracks/Barracks_aoe2DE.png@", "2 @resource/Aoe2de_food.png@ Under @town_center/Towncenter_aoe2DE.png@ \u2192 2 Builders + @mining_camp/Mining_camp_aoe2de.png@", "2 Builders \u2192 2 @resource/Aoe2de_gold.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 19, "age": 2, "resources": { "wood": 12, "food": 4, "gold": 2, "stone": 0, "builder": 1 }, "notes": [ "In @age/FeudalAgeIconDE_alpha.png@", "Research @lumber_camp/DoubleBitAxe_aoe2DE.png@", "@archery_range/Archery_range_aoe2DE.png@", "Start Training @archery_range/Archer_aoe2DE.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 21, "age": 2, "resources": { "wood": 12, "food": 4, "gold": 4, "stone": 0, "builder": 1 }, "notes": [ "2 on @resource/Aoe2de_gold.png@", "@blacksmith/Blacksmith_aoe2de.png@", "Research @blacksmith/FletchingDE.png@", "Train 1-4 Spearmen if enemy is pushing with @stable/Scoutcavalry_aoe2DE.png@", "4 @resource/Aoe2de_food.png@ Under @town_center/Towncenter_aoe2DE.png@ \u2192 4 @resource/BerryBushDE.png@", "Start making @mill/FarmDE.png@ as the @resource/Aoe2de_wood.png@ becomes available" ] } ] }

But this build order which is similar doesnt.

{ "name": "20 Elephants In 20 Minutes", "civilization": "Malay", "author": "Morley Games", "source": "", "description": "Make 20 elephants in 20 minutes.", "build_order": [ { "villager_count": 6, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 0, "food": 6, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "2 @other/House_aoe2DE.png@ + 6 on @animal/Sheep_aoe2DE.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 11, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 5, "food": 6, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "@other/House_aoe2DE.png@ + 5 on @resource/Aoe2de_wood.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 12, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 5, "food": 7, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "1 Lures @animal/Boar_aoe2DE.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 15, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 5, "food": 10, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "1 Lures @animal/Boar_aoe2DE.png@ + 2 More on @animal/Boar_aoe2DE.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 19, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 9, "food": 10, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "@other/House_aoe2DE.png@ + 4 on @resource/Aoe2de_wood.png@", "4 @animal/Boar_aoe2DE.png@ → 4 @animal/Deer_aoe2DE.png@", "@mill/Mill_aoe2de.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 25, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 9, "food": 16, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "2 @other/House_aoe2DE.png@ + 6 on @resource/BerryBushDE.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 29, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 13, "food": 16, "gold": 0, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "4 on @resource/Aoe2de_wood.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 32, "age": 1, "resources": { "wood": 13, "food": 16, "gold": 3, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "3 on @resource/Aoe2de_gold.png@", "Research 33 Pop @age/FeudalAgeIconDE_alpha.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 32, "age": 2, "resources": { "wood": 13, "food": 16, "gold": 3, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "Before @age/FeudalAgeIconDE_alpha.png@", "@barracks/Barracks_aoe2DE.png@ + @other/House_aoe2DE.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 34, "age": 2, "resources": { "wood": 13, "food": 18, "gold": 3, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "In @age/FeudalAgeIconDE_alpha.png@", "2 on @mill/FarmDE.png@", "2 @stable/Stable_aoe2DE.png@ + @blacksmith/Blacksmith_aoe2de.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 34, "age": 2, "resources": { "wood": 9, "food": 18, "gold": 7, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "4 @resource/Aoe2de_wood.png@ → 4 @resource/Aoe2de_gold.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 34, "age": 2, "resources": { "wood": 9, "food": 16, "gold": 9, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "2 @resource/BerryBushDE.png@ → 2 @resource/Aoe2de_gold.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 34, "age": 2, "resources": { "wood": 8, "food": 17, "gold": 9, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "Seed 1 @mill/FarmDE.png@ with a Lumberjack", "Research @age/CastleAgeIconDE_alpha.png@" ] }, { "villager_count": 34, "age": 3, "resources": { "wood": 8, "food": 17, "gold": 9, "stone": 0 }, "notes": [ "In @age/CastleAgeIconDE_alpha.png@", "Continue adding new @resource/MaleVillDE.jpg@ to @mill/FarmDE.png@", "Train 20 @stable/Battle_elephant_aoe2DE.png@", "Research @stable/HusbandryDE.png@ + @blacksmith/ScaleBardingArmorDE.png@" ] } ] }

Kind of losing my mind trying to figure out why. IDK for now I think ill just retype everything but if you could help it be nice. (I also tried alot of other build order from the website and most of them arent working)

CraftySalamander commented 1 year ago

Hi. I just tested yout 2 BOs and they are both working fine.

The only difference is see between them is that your first BO is for a generic civ ("civilization": "Any",) and will be available when selecting any civilization, while your second BO is specific for the Malay ("civilization": "Malay",) and will thus only appear if you first select the Malay civilization on top of the search bar.

CraftySalamander commented 1 year ago

You can watch this video to have a full demo:

talibahmed11 commented 1 year ago

Wow, Thank you so much. I dont know why I didnt think of that. Makes sense for it to do it that way. Thank you so much again for making this and its super helpful!

CraftySalamander commented 1 year ago

You are welcome.