Craig-Ronald / capacitor-subscriptions

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Production Ready? #1

Open TomDoesb opened 7 months ago

TomDoesb commented 7 months ago


I'm researching the implementation of in app purchases (subscriptions) for our iOS app built with the Ionic framework and stumbled upon your (very) recent capacitor plugin.

Have you used this in production apps and would you recommend it or is it still a work in progress?

CraigRonald555 commented 7 months ago


I'm researching the implementation of in app purchases (subscriptions) for our iOS app built with the Ionic framework and stumbled upon you (very) recent capacitor plugin.

Have you used this in production apps and would you recommend it or is it still a work in progress?

I would recommend it yes, I developed this during my time at a previous company and it's used in a few of their live apps - there are no issues that I'm aware of but it has been a while since I've implemented it.

I think it's worth trying - it's pretty straightforward to implement and test in sandbox. If you feel as though there are things which need to be improved I'm happy to add new features.

Thanks, Craig

TomDoesb commented 7 months ago

Cool, thanks for the quick response! I will give it a go :)

My first suggestion would be to add versioning to the repository and show the releases in Github. This would also help others to determine the maturity of this library.

Thanks for sharing your work!


CraigRonald555 commented 7 months ago

Cool, thanks for the quick response! I will give it a go :)

My first suggestion would be to add versioning to the repository and show the releases in Github. This would also help others to determine the maturity of this library.

Thanks for sharing your work!


Thanks for the tip, and no worries. I'll add versioning over the next day or two.

TomDoesb commented 7 months ago

I would suggest naming the version v1.0.2 just like the npm versioning. It would be a bit easier to to match the npm version to the code. (now its possible if you check the tags)

Nikita0x commented 4 months ago

@TomDoesb have you used this library since Dec 19, 2023? If so, does it work normally? I've been REALLY struggling with the cordova-purchase-plugin. I saw this new project specifically aimed to rectify the problems with the previous one - ease of use, documentation. Curios on your experience with it

reinos commented 4 months ago

I can comment on this one as I just implemented it in our app.

It's much better than the "other" plugin you mentioned. There are missing, for us at least, some return values as mentioned in some issues.

I forked the project myself and add the missing return values myself.

But besides that it's feels really solid.

TomDoesb commented 4 months ago

@Nikita0x Hi, I took the gamble and its running fine in our production app. I am still a bit worried since the repo hasn't had any updates in the last 3 months. So I'm not overly confident on how future proof this is. But most found issues would be simple to fix and could also be done by others and if more people use it we might be able to elevate the status of this repo together. Overall I'm happy because it works fine in our current setting with subscriptions, parental permission, and lifetime products.

CraigRonald555 commented 4 months ago

Hey guys, I'm glad you've find use for the repository. I've recently started working for a company so my time is quite restrained when it comes to responding to issues and comments on this library.

The library was used (and I believe is still being used) for multiple apps in my previous company. I hope the fixes we worked through when this was just an internal library ensured stability before releasing it publicly.

The library was developed with the intention of making it as simple as possible to retrieve a user's active entitlements and authorising features of an iOS/android app.

So far, I haven't felt the app has required updating because the main purpose of the library is functional.

Updates would require a fair bit of intricacy to ensure the library doesn't potentially break the apps which use it - therefore the saying "if it isn't broke don't fix it" has felt like the best approach.

I'll keep an eye out for things which could potentially break the library e.g. the Google Billing version becoming redundant, but until then I think the current state of the library is sufficient.

I'm always open to people making pull requests if there's functionality they would like to see added. I'll make time to review and merge them into the main branch.

Thanks, Craig