Craig-Ronald / capacitor-subscriptions

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[bug] CurrentEntitlementsResponseCode 404 instead of 1 when message is "No entitlements were found" #5

Closed TomDoesb closed 7 months ago

TomDoesb commented 7 months ago
export type CurrentEntitlementsResponseCode = -1 | 0 | 1 | 2;
export type CurrentEntitlementsResponseMessage = "Incompatible with web" | "Successfully found all entitlements across all product types" | "No entitlements were found" | "Unknown problem trying to retrieve entitlements";

Based on these types I expected to get a 1 responseCode when no entitlements are found. Instead it gives a 404 response code. (tested with iOS Xcode sandbox)

{"responseCode":404,"responseMessage":"No entitlements were found"}
CraigRonald555 commented 7 months ago

Hi Tom, apologies for this oversight. I’m going to get some fixes out today. Thanks