Craig44 / SpatialSablefishAssessment

A R package that contains TMB stock assessment models and auxiliary functions. Initially it was built for Sablefish, but could be fit to any stock that exhibits sexual dimorphism, has two fishing fleets and generalized number of spatial regions.
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TagIntegrated Model where surveys have different selectivity types and thus different number of selectivity parameters #11

Open Ovec8hkin opened 8 months ago

Ovec8hkin commented 8 months ago

In a scenario where there is more than 1 survey operating, and each survey has a different selectivity type, how should users go about specifying parameters like ln_srv_sel_pars where the parameter array dimensions are conditional on the selectivity type?

I am running into an issue where my first survey has multiple time blocks and a selectivity type that requires 2 parameters, while my second survey has a single time block and a selectivity type that requires 1 parameter. How should this parameter array, and similar data and parameter structures be setup, and has the TagIntegrated model been tested against such scenarios?


Craig44 commented 7 months ago

have a look at these examples

below is an example that should work

data = list()
data$n_years = 20
data$n_surveys = 2
data$srv_sel_by_year_indicator = matrix(0, nrow = data$n_years, ncol = data$n_surveys)
data$srv_sel_by_year_indicator[10:20,1] = 1 
data$srv_sel_type = matrix(0, nrow = length(unique(as.numeric(data$srv_sel_by_year_indicator))), ncol = data$n_surveys)
data$srv_sel_type[,1] = 2 # power selectivity
data$srv_sel_type[,2] = 0 # logistic for both time block 1 and time block 2

## you will need to specify two time-blocks for both selectivities 
## in the parameter object
parameters = list()
parameters$ln_srv_sel_pars = array(0, dim =c(2,2,2,2))

na_map = list()
## turn off all the parameters for the single time-block single parameter 
## selectivity

## add an additional time-block
## test fix-pars on 3D arrays
data$srv_sel_type = matrix(0,nrow = 2, ncol = data$n_surveys)
data$srv_sel_by_year_indicator[5:length(data$srv_sel_by_year_indicator[,1]),1] = 1
parameters$ln_srv_sel_pars = aperm(array(parameters$ln_srv_sel_pars, dim = c(2,2,2,2)))
## turn off the male and femal parameter for the second time-block 
## turn off the second parameter for the first both surveys that we are forced to 
## have due to the array structure
vals_to_exclude = rbind(c(2,1,1,1), c(2,1,2,1),c(1,2,1,1), c(1,2,2,1),c(2,2,1,1), c(2,2,2,1)) # dimension is time-block x selectivity par x sex x n_survey

na_map = fix_pars(par_list = parameters, pars_to_exclude = c("ln_srv_sel_pars"),
                  array_elements_to_exclude = list(ln_srv_sel_pars = vals_to_exclude))