CraigCav / Knockout-jqGridBinding

A grid binding plugin for Knockout.js that provides basic integration with the JqGrid plugin for jQuery.
MIT License
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Create ko.gridBinding_updated.js #3

Open Klin88 opened 11 years ago

Klin88 commented 11 years ago

This is rebuild version that adds:    - binding to observables without need to create template for each case     - normal binding context for record(allows bind like $parent.someMethod)    - 50 000 records and it will work, because I've removed ko.toJS   

dazinator commented 7 years ago

I'm looking for a good grid to use with ko. How did you get on with jqgrid? Would you still recommend it? I'm looking at these bindings and they seem pretty immature.. without this PR the binding looks unusable to me!

dazinator commented 7 years ago

Hmm nevermind.. went with KendoUI in the end!

CraigCav commented 7 years ago

@dazinator The bindings in this repository are certainly immature - they're also no longer maintained.

KendoUI is a much better option to pursue if you're looking for a grid to bind with knockout.