CrapTheCoder / UpCode

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CSS Selector problem on #13

Open RaiyanMahin opened 1 year ago

RaiyanMahin commented 1 year ago

Hi Srivaths, As I told u on CF that, while I tried to upload my CF solution using UpCode, I got a error message. My Atcoder submissions are fetched but not the CF and Codechef I copied it and asked chatgpt. so the error looks like this

from chatgpt

"It seems that an error has occurred while running the code. The error message indicates that there was a NoSuchElementException caused by Unable to locate element when trying to locate an element using a CSS selector.

This occurred in the file on line 72 when trying to locate an element using the CSS selector #sidebar > div.roundbox.sidebox.status-filter-box > div:nth-child(5) > form > div:nth-child(4) > input[type=submit]:nth-child(1).

This error could be caused by a change in the HTML structure of the page or the element may not exist at the time the script is being run. You may need to check if the CSS selector used is still valid and if the element being selected is available on the page."

I think CSS needs to be updated. please check and tell me how to resolve it.


CrapTheCoder commented 1 year ago

@RaiyanMahin Please provide the error message itself, rather than the conversation you had with ChatGPT

RaiyanMahin commented 1 year ago


The error message is:

selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"css selector","selector":"#sidebar > div.roundbox.sidebox.status-filter-box > div:nth-child(5) > form > div:nth-child(4) > input[type=submit]:nth-child(1)"}

CrapTheCoder commented 1 year ago

Thank you! I will take a look

RaiyanMahin commented 1 year ago

okay let me know the updates

CrapTheCoder commented 1 year ago

@RaiyanMahin Please take a look now, it should be fixed

RaiyanMahin commented 1 year ago

@CrapTheCoder Now, all my CF, atcoder submissions are fetched but not the codechef soln :3 don't know why. In terminal, there is also no message showing. However thanks!

RaiyanMahin commented 1 year ago

I also tried with only chef username still nothing on terminal. Maybe as chef UI updated, some issue