CravateRouge / bloodyAD

BloodyAD is an Active Directory Privilege Escalation Framework
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Filtering "get children" on type "user" does not work #36

Closed jsdhasfedssad closed 6 months ago

jsdhasfedssad commented 1 year ago


I am trying out version 1.0.0 and I think I have found an issue. Filtering get children on user does not work. Other types are still outputted.

While computers, for example test3 and RODC1, should not be shown using this filter I am not sure what is correct for the three other marked examples.

  1. CHILD2$ is the sAMAccountName of a child domain (this is not shown when filtering on computer)
  2. smsa1 is a standalone managed service account (this is also shown when filtering on computer)
  3. gmsa1 is a group managed service account (this is also shown when filtering on computer)



CravateRouge commented 1 year ago

Hi @jsdhasfedssad, as usual thank you for the interest you have for the tool and to raise me issues when you see something wrong.

I choose to filter by objectClass attribute and it can contain several class per object. In AD, computers do have a "user" objectClass, manged service accounts do have a "computer" objectClass. This is not precise enough and I will think about a better way to filter it.

I don't understand why you don't have users outputed when you filter with "user", it's like they don't have the "user" objectClass.

jsdhasfedssad commented 1 year ago

The command I used above does actually identify users as well. In the above screenshot branchuser1, rodc_admin1, fTYYlViSVK, krbtgt_13330 and delegation1 are regular user accounts (if krbtgt accounts are counted as that).

To my knowledge, forests and domains having accounts in the AD is as it should be. All my forests and domains have one. These accounts can for example be abused to get trust keys.

Here is the output from your commands: getchildren3

jsdhasfedssad commented 1 year ago

I just noticed, this also affects the get writable command when the filter --otype is used.

CravateRouge commented 1 year ago

I will think about a better way to filter but unfortunately it risks to not be as straightforward. I let this open until I fix it.

CravateRouge commented 8 months ago

@jsdhasfedssad can you confirm children --otype useronly fix your issue?