CrawlerEmporium / DiscordCrawler

Discord Bot - Discord moderation and misc tools - built upon
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DFR-41 Remind me feature for DiscordCrawler, similar to the !remindme bot used on Reddit #27

Closed crawltracker closed 3 years ago

crawltracker commented 3 years ago

Feature Request: Remind me feature for DiscordCrawler, similar to the !remindme bot used on Reddit

Who would use it? People who want to be reminded of a post or an event at a later date / time. Example would be someone says, "We'll start in 4 hours" command would be !RemindMe 3 hours 50 minutes How would it work? !RemindMe Parameters would be time periods such as !RemindMe 30 minutes !RemindMe 1 hour, !RemindMe 1 day, !RemindMe 1 week, !RemindMe 1 day 2 hours 30 minutes. When triggered, bot would DM the user saying 'Reminder set for and bot would remove the command typed (keeping the chat as clean as possible). When time passed, Bot would reply to the message directly above where the command was sent @ the user in the reply basically saying 'here is your reminder'. Thanks to the way replys now work, user can just click the reply to be taken to where that message was originally sent. I'm not familiar with Discord API, so not sure how you'd handle if a user deletes their message that bot would be replying to. Why should this be added? It would help people discord admins manage stuff (such as reminding themselves to post about giveaways ending, or events coming up) without having to add things to their calendars. Would also help general users with the same things, or non-official meetups between members, "I'm free from 5pm today" (!RemindMe 3 hours)

Upvote - youchit#4454

Upvote - arcanist#4317

Upvote - ㄥㄖㄥҜ丨#4273

Upvote - Tercept#0001

Upvote - modnar#9949

Votes: +5 / -0 / ±0

crawltracker commented 3 years ago

Note - LordDusk#0001

Resolved - Implemented in v2.4.0