Currently, the Bon provides a REWE-internal EAN attached to that product, an item price, the amount of that item and an item name.
Adding a product to Grocy fetches the REWE-internal EAN and asks for the product name. It could be useful to add the already-known product name to prevent typos etc.
Suche nach '552752' in der Datenbank..
[WARN] Es wurde kein Produkt mit der EAN 552752 gefunden. Möchtest du ein Produkt anlegen oder die EAN einem Produkt zuweisen?
(1) Neues Produkt erstellen
Name des Produkts:
Kinder Paradiso
Currently, the Bon provides a REWE-internal EAN attached to that product, an item price, the amount of that item and an item name.
Adding a product to Grocy fetches the REWE-internal EAN and asks for the product name. It could be useful to add the already-known product name to prevent typos etc.