Crazy-Marvin / VacationDays

Know when you are free.
Apache License 2.0
37 stars 9 forks source link

Single days, half days and how much is left #75

Open chris-asdf opened 1 year ago

chris-asdf commented 1 year ago


this app seems to be a nice addition to my current way to track my work time. But, three questions remain:

  1. How can I conveniently add one single holiday /day off? If the start and end date are the same, there is a zero in front of the entry
  2. Is it possible to add half days?
  3. How can I enter the number of holidays I have for a year and how much is left?

Thanks in advance, all the best Chris

CrazyMarvin commented 1 year ago

Hey, thanks for your feedback. 😊

  1. I don't see this. When I add a holiday for August 15 I see a 15 in front of the entry. May you please share a screenshot?

  2. No, that is not possible at the moment. What do you think of adding this feature, @arafaatqureshi & @amarradi?

  3. This feature is planned for one of the next releases.

arafaatqureshi commented 1 year ago

will be updating the total holidays count in the upcoming release. Thanks

chris-asdf commented 1 year ago


that's great news, that you are planning to add these features!

Regarding the single day I've attached two screenshots when I add a vacation for 08/01 . On the date picker screen I'm not allowed to save it until I set an end date, which I set also to 08/01.

All the best Chris

Screenshot_20220814-143255_Vacation Days Screenshot_20220814-143301_Vacation Days

unbiaseduser commented 1 year ago

Hello @chris-asdf, I have fixed the date display for vacations with a single day. Can you try adding such a holiday with this APK? In your case, the date displayed should be "01" instead of "0". You have to uninstall the original app before installing this one!

arafaatqureshi commented 1 year ago

@chris-asdf we will be looking for some other way too, but for now as you have to enter the end date as well. so, the same date would be the end date for the single holiday. and then save it, it will let you save .

unbiaseduser commented 1 year ago

@arafaatqureshi Are you going to check my code?

arafaatqureshi commented 1 year ago

@unbiaseduser sure.

chris-asdf commented 1 year ago


thanks @unbiaseduser for fixing. I just give the apk you attached a try and this will do it for me for the single days. I could also imagine a way of entering no end date if a corresponding checkbox is clicked, that defines if it's a single holiday. But that's not that important.

Also thanks - whoever did this 😃 - for adding the feature with the configurable number of holidays.

Any chance for half days?

All the best Chris

unbiaseduser commented 1 year ago

@chris-asdf you're welcome. Also I would like to mention that the broken date display issue and the feature to conveniently add 1 holiday issue are completely different issues. Which means that if I were to add such feature without fixing the date display, it would still be broken. Speaking of that feature, I might add it somewhere down the line. (As for the half days one, I haven't got any ideas how to implement it yet.)

AkechiShiro commented 1 year ago

Hey, what about adding half-days ? Could I help on making this feature ? I'm not sure, I can do it soon tho, but I can always keep struggling (which is always great with open source stuff)

unbiaseduser commented 1 year ago

Hey, what about adding half-days ? Could I help on making this feature ? I'm not sure, I can do it soon tho, but I can always keep struggling (which is always great with open source stuff)

Sure, go for it, no need to ask

CrazyMarvin commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your offer to help, @AkechiShiro! That's awesome!

CrazyMarvin commented 9 months ago

Are you still up for it, @AkechiShiro? Next month is Hacktoberfest by the way. 😅

AkechiShiro commented 9 months ago

Hi @CrazyMarvin

Very sorry for not having gave any update on this, I completely forgot about this, and got busy in life on a few others projects, at the moment I'm short on storage space, but would need Android Studio to properly develop this feature, I believe.

I will definitely try and take a look at what needs to be modified, but this will take me time as I'm not familiar with the code base at all.

CrazyMarvin commented 5 months ago

Are you interested to work on the feature to support half days, @karimapps?

AkechiShiro commented 5 months ago

I'm sorry I couldn't get to take a full stab at this issue @CrazyMarvin

CrazyMarvin commented 5 months ago

I'm sorry I couldn't get to take a full stab at this issue @CrazyMarvin

Don't worry.