Open CrazyCloudCraft opened 2 years ago
Short type: "Online" Worlds /ws setonline [world] ws.worldsettings.setonline /ws list ws.gui.list.default /ws setunlist [world] ws.worldsettings.setunlist /ws tp [worldname] s- /ws setoffline s- /ws setprivate s= same 'ws.worldsettings.setprivate'
/ws feature [worldname] ws.admin.worldsettings.feature
World menu: You can put your world in a list of online worlds in /ws list. By making your word public, players can view your world in a GUI, click on it, and get teleported to your world. By making it unlisted, any player can still join by doing /ws tp. By changing it to private, the creator has to /ws addplayer like normal. If an admin does /ws list, they can see all worlds, whether they are public, unlisted or private. Each world would be private by default.
Sidenote: This idea corresponds to featured worlds. It would also be impressive to be able to configure what item is shown in the GUI if your world is featured
/ws feature [Name of World - Multiple Words]: In the /ws list GUI, these featured worlds would appear on the top of the list. This command would have a permission, and this permission would be given out to admins that want to host exclusive events to server members. In the GUI, the name of the world would be the name of the item they have to click to join the world.
Suggested by: @w1nst0nDEV