CrazyDude1994 / android-taranis-smartport-telemetry

This android application let you view and record your taranis telemetry data in realtime.
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fixed: incorrect speed value #107

Closed RomanLut closed 3 years ago

RomanLut commented 3 years ago

IS: Speed (km/h) value shown in Telemetry Viewer is lower then value in OSD. Environment: Inav 2.6, mavlink.

Bug: looking at DataDecoder.onGSpeedData() inMavlinkDataDecoder and LTMDataDecoder, the speed values are in km/h. Speed values are incorrectly converted from miles/h to km/h in MapsActivity.updateSpeed().

p.s You may want to double-check CrfsDataDecoder ( divisor is probably should be 10, not 100 as Crfs sends km/h * 10, see ) and FrskyDataDecoder (I do not have idea where coefficient 27 is coming from. Values are knots, see