CrazyRedMachine / LUFAHybridFightstick

Nintendo switch AND XInput controller for Arduino Leonardo and Pro Micro
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to use only digital input / directional inputs #21

Closed SlavaBurmistrov closed 6 months ago

SlavaBurmistrov commented 1 year ago

Im trying to figure out if its possible to map each dpad button to a separate pin. I can only find the up button.

CrazyRedMachine commented 1 year ago

i don't understand the question. of course there are pins for up/down/left/right else the dpad wouldn't work.. check the pin definitions on top of the .ino file

SlavaBurmistrov commented 1 year ago

define PIN_UP MOSI

define PIN_DOWN 1

define PIN_LEFT SS

define PIN_RIGHT 0

These ones right? I'm using pro micro and I do not have these pins there? If I were to reassign them to other pins will the code work?