CrazyVulcan /

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Fix the URL (It gets too long) #18

Open CrazyVulcan opened 5 years ago

CrazyVulcan commented 5 years ago

I will be reediting all the ID tags to every card and the linked Card Rules for that card but my idea is that the URL be altered instead of the Hexadecimal system like it is now to straight up just list the card ID in the sting. If you look at YASB2.0 for X Wing this is much the same way they do it.

So a typical URL for Utopia would look like

...index.html [ship 1 ID] [CaptionID] [Upgrade Slot 1 ID (if equiped)] [Upgrade Slot 2 ID (if equiped)] {break maybe just a "x0x" to denoat when the next ship starts}

This would involve editing the JQuary and Angular JS files and will involve a lot of careful deletion and re-pathing of things.

Relequestual commented 4 years ago

I do similar in my own application using string compression and URI encoding to create a shorter URL... It uses

Thanks for your work on this fine tool. Building my fleet right now =]