CrazyZhang666 / GTA5OnlineTools

MIT License
1.37k stars 152 forks source link

最近4-5版本很容易出现异常 #708

Closed immoke closed 1 year ago

immoke commented 1 year ago


现象就是游戏可以正常玩,该有的功能基本都在,就算出问题了,使用小助手换一个战局就好了。 但是比如说做任务(我有1次佩里克岛,1次末日3)会频繁的卡位移,什么操作都做不了。自杀以后,就一直转圈,最后导致只能退出重新登录游戏,然后任务也得重新做。


[04:52:09.8941834][FATAL/exception_handler.cpp:42] EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Dumping modules: GTA5.exe Base Address: 0x7FF7F0920000 Size: 67158528 ntdll.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB12DB0000 Size: 1153536 KERNEL32.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB10EE0000 Size: 519168 KERNELBASE.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10820000 Size: 1255424 USER32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11300000 Size: 581120 win32u.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10540000 Size: 42496 GDI32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11110000 Size: 61952 gdi32full.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10700000 Size: 669696 msvcp_win.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10D70000 Size: 344064 ucrtbase.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10600000 Size: 735744 PSAPI.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB10ED0000 Size: 2048 WS2_32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB118C0000 Size: 275456 RPCRT4.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10FA0000 Size: 923136 CRYPT32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10C10000 Size: 1100288 GFSDK_ShadowLib.win64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB4A60000 Size: 96256 DSOUND.dll Base Address: 0x7FFABFEA0000 Size: 380416 WINTRUST.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10B50000 Size: 292864 msvcrt.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11930000 Size: 477184 VERSION.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09C40000 Size: 10752 IMM32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB110E0000 Size: 122368 advapi32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB117B0000 Size: 427520 bcrypt.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10B20000 Size: 103424 sechost.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10E30000 Size: 412672 SHLWAPI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB115D0000 Size: 182784 bink2w64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFABFF40000 Size: 307712 combase.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB12540000 Size: 2327040 SHELL32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11D30000 Size: 5803520 ole32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB114A0000 Size: 832000 OLEAUT32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11C60000 Size: 608256 WININET.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF7250000 Size: 2026496 WINMM.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB05E20000 Size: 81408 MF.dll Base Address: 0x7FFACE000000 Size: 340992 msdmo.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF3490000 Size: 13312 MFPlat.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAE59D0000 Size: 1409536 PROPSYS.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0B840000 Size: 631296 MFReadWrite.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB4950000 Size: 918016 cfgmgr32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10BC0000 Size: 218624 WTSAPI32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0A9E0000 Size: 37888 d3d9.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAEC9A0000 Size: 1371648 D3DCOMPILER_43.dll Base Address: 0x7FFACBE10000 Size: 2423296 shcore.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11140000 Size: 476672 DINPUT8.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09E90000 Size: 169472 GFSDK_TXAA_AlphaResolve.win64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09E70000 Size: 48128 XINPUT1_3.dll Base Address: 0x400000 Size: 85504 SETUPAPI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB12900000 Size: 864768 IPHLPAPI.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB0F860000 Size: 170496 powrprof.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10300000 Size: 70656 winmmbase.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE68C0000 Size: 95232 d3dx9_43.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB46E0000 Size: 2280960 kernel.appcore.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0ED30000 Size: 16384 dwmapi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0DC40000 Size: 99328 Base Address: 0x7FFB0E110000 Size: 5819904 OPENGL32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFACBC40000 Size: 909312 Wldp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0FE10000 Size: 94720 GLU32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE4400000 Size: 122880 MFCORE.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAB4250000 Size: 3960832 ksuser.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09C50000 Size: 6144 CRYPTBASE.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB0FD60000 Size: 10752 UMPDC.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB102E0000 Size: 34816 bcryptPrimitives.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10570000 Size: 408576 RTWorkQ.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAE5990000 Size: 105472 MSASN1.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0FFA0000 Size: 34816 inputhost.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB037D0000 Size: 976384 wintypes.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0D180000 Size: 487424 CoreUIComponents.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0D3E0000 Size: 1804800 CoreMessaging.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0D770000 Size: 606720 ntmarta.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0F5D0000 Size: 140288 dbghelp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0E970000 Size: 1400320 dbgcore.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAF82E0000 Size: 136704 CRYPTSP.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0FD70000 Size: 46080 d3d12.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF0A90000 Size: 73728 rsaenh.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0F490000 Size: 142336 uxtheme.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0DA40000 Size: 382464 imagehlp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10E10000 Size: 45056 clbcatq.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB12490000 Size: 437760 dxdiagn.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF0A00000 Size: 395264 d3d11.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0C9A0000 Size: 1853440 DEVOBJ.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10160000 Size: 109056 dxgi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0ED50000 Size: 614912 WMICLNT.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0B680000 Size: 31744 wbemprox.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB090B0000 Size: 27648 wbemcomn.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB07E80000 Size: 328704 gpapi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0ED00000 Size: 69120 wbemsvc.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB075C0000 Size: 7168 cryptnet.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09B70000 Size: 135168 profapi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB103D0000 Size: 68608 fastprox.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB07690000 Size: 708608 amsi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB06D50000 Size: 62464 USERENV.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10390000 Size: 108032 WINNSI.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB09C30000 Size: 11776 NSI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB12480000 Size: 7680 MpOav.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB06C20000 Size: 204800 EOSSDK-Win64-Shipping.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB3830000 Size: 7229440 WLDAP32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11750000 Size: 240128 Normaliz.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB110D0000 Size: 512 WINHTTP.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09D60000 Size: 845312 Secur32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF8680000 Size: 11264 MSVCP140.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF4DF0000 Size: 346112 VCRUNTIME140.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF4E80000 Size: 65024 SSPICLI.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB10350000 Size: 123392 VCRUNTIME140_1.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF4DA0000 Size: 15360 dhcpcsvc6.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB09730000 Size: 23552 dhcpcsvc.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB09800000 Size: 61440 PrxerDrv.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAEE140000 Size: 60416 mswsock.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0FB70000 Size: 331776 PrxerNsp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE93B0000 Size: 46080 DNSAPI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0F8A0000 Size: 599040 napinsp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE8BE0000 Size: 50176 pnrpnsp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE8BC0000 Size: 66048 wshbth.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAEC040000 Size: 43008 NLAapi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0BBF0000 Size: 68608 winrnr.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE8BA0000 Size: 32768 nvapi64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB07F30000 Size: 6356480 drvstore.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09920000 Size: 979456 D3D10_1.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAF09C0000 Size: 130048 d3d10_1core.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB04100000 Size: 7680 nvspcap64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFABFBC0000 Size: 2055680 MSCTF.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11630000 Size: 864256 textinputframework.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB03970000 Size: 725504 QQPinyinTSF.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF3FA0000 Size: 97792 QQPinyin.ime Base Address: 0x7FFAE1090000 Size: 6509568 USP10.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF3F80000 Size: 512 MSIMG32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB01570000 Size: 1536 rasadhlp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB01160000 Size: 7168 fwpuclnt.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB02E20000 Size: 288768 TextShaping.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF6C50000 Size: 304640 WINSTA.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB101C0000 Size: 219648 nvldumdx.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB01CA0000 Size: 597504 edputil.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAEE0A0000 Size: 85504 Windows.StateRepositoryPS.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF3340000 Size: 29696 urlmon.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB00D50000 Size: 1279488 iertutil.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB01960000 Size: 549888 srvcli.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB00D20000 Size: 54272 netutils.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0F970000 Size: 19456 virtdisk.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0BEF0000 Size: 40960 FLTLIB.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAF0400000 Size: 12800 appresolver.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAEE5F0000 Size: 414720 Bcp47Langs.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB066F0000 Size: 220160 SLC.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0EFD0000 Size: 133120 sppc.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0EFA0000 Size: 86528 OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF4360000 Size: 16384 OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB05F20000 Size: 98304 nvwgf2umx.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFB890000 Size: 35051008 NvCamera64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB2FD0000 Size: 4093952 WindowsCodecs.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB071D0000 Size: 1328128 XINPUT9_1_0.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF5BD0000 Size: 4096 HID.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB0ECB0000 Size: 20480 MessageBus.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFA2C0000 Size: 5349888 dxcore.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0B6A0000 Size: 147968 d3dcompiler_47_64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB2BC0000 Size: 3922944 nvcuda64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB2220000 Size: 5683200 MMDevApi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0A320000 Size: 387072 XAudio2_7.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB2060000 Size: 485376 AUDIOSES.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB0A3B0000 Size: 1037312 resourcepolicyclient.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0DB40000 Size: 31744 Windows.UI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB03B10000 Size: 731136 WindowManagementAPI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB075E0000 Size: 450048 twinapi.appcore.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0AA20000 Size: 1449984 avrt.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB07CB0000 Size: 5632 MessageBus.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF5470000 Size: 5349888 socialclub.dll Base Address: 0x7FFABEFD0000 Size: 5094912 chrome_elf.dll Base Address: 0x7FFABEEC0000 Size: 685568 libcef.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB6E20000 Size: 109755392 COMDLG32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB119D0000 Size: 684032 OLEACC.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB01500000 Size: 260608 UIAutomationCore.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAE7790000 Size: 2041344 NETAPI32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFA240000 Size: 47616 COMCTL32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFB170000 Size: 560128 DWrite.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFAEF0000 Size: 1601024 WINSPOOL.DRV Base Address: 0x7FFB012B0000 Size: 349184 dxva2.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE9690000 Size: 96256 credui.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF07A0000 Size: 61952 ncrypt.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0FE80000 Size: 102400 CRYPTUI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF35E0000 Size: 246272 wevtapi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0A180000 Size: 296960 ESENT.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFAA00000 Size: 2585088 WKSCLI.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB0F5B0000 Size: 45568 SAMCLI.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB09670000 Size: 61440 NTASN1.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0FE40000 Size: 81408 FirewallAPI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0F080000 Size: 364544 fwbase.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0F040000 Size: 159744 FWPolicyIOMgr.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFA260000 Size: 216064 wdmaud.drv Base Address: 0x7FFAB1560000 Size: 193024 msacm32.drv Base Address: 0x7FFAF4540000 Size: 17920 MSACM32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFABFFD0000 Size: 74240 midimap.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF4280000 Size: 13312 ondemandconnroutehelper.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF6900000 Size: 42496 YimMenu.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAD8380000 Size: 3466240 D3DCOMPILER_47.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0BF80000 Size: 3396608 xinput1_4.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE8B20000 Size: 30208 Dumping registers: RAX: 0x1A00B9EE140 RCX: 0x1A00B9861A8 RDX: 0x1A00B9EE140 RBX: 0x0 RSI: 0x7FF7F32807D0 RDI: 0x1A00B6DB830 RSP: 0x73A14FDE60 RBP: 0x73A14FDF59 R8: 0x0 R9: 0x2A R10: 0x1A00B4FC6D0 R11: 0x1A00B9EE140 R12: 0x1 R13: 0x1 R14: 0x1A00C511C00 R15: 0x0 Dumping stacktrace: [0] YimMenu.dll+0xD7EAE 0x7FFAD8457EAE [1] GTA5.exe+0x11413AC 0x7FF7F1A613AC [2] GTA5.exe+0x1140D0A 0x7FF7F1A60D0A [3] GTA5.exe+0x1144C6D 0x7FF7F1A64C6D [4] GTA5.exe+0x1143DAE 0x7FF7F1A63DAE [5] GTA5.exe+0x11457CB 0x7FF7F1A657CB [6] GTA5.exe+0x16D04B3 0x7FF7F1FF04B3 [7] GTA5.exe+0x16CF94B 0x7FF7F1FEF94B [8] GTA5.exe+0x11458C5 0x7FF7F1A658C5 [9] GTA5.exe+0x10BAAA9 0x7FF7F19DAAA9 [10] GTA5.exe+0x161A8E9 0x7FF7F1F3A8E9 [11] GTA5.exe+0x161A11B 0x7FF7F1F3A11B [12] GTA5.exe+0x277F6 0x7FF7F09477F6 [13] GTA5.exe+0x20E9B 0x7FF7F0940E9B [14] GTA5.exe+0x1619D24 0x7FF7F1F39D24 [15] GTA5.exe+0x1494 0x7FF7F0921494 [16] GTA5.exe+0x12F22C3 0x7FF7F1C122C3 [17] GTA5.exe+0x180CE38 0x7FF7F212CE38 [18] KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk [19] ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart --------End of exception--------

immoke commented 1 year ago

[04:52:09.8941834][FATAL/exception_handler.cpp:42] EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Dumping modules: GTA5.exe Base Address: 0x7FF7F0920000 Size: 67158528 ntdll.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB12DB0000 Size: 1153536 KERNEL32.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB10EE0000 Size: 519168 KERNELBASE.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10820000 Size: 1255424 USER32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11300000 Size: 581120 win32u.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10540000 Size: 42496 GDI32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11110000 Size: 61952 gdi32full.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10700000 Size: 669696 msvcp_win.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10D70000 Size: 344064 ucrtbase.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10600000 Size: 735744 PSAPI.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB10ED0000 Size: 2048 WS2_32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB118C0000 Size: 275456 RPCRT4.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10FA0000 Size: 923136 CRYPT32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10C10000 Size: 1100288 GFSDK_ShadowLib.win64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB4A60000 Size: 96256 DSOUND.dll Base Address: 0x7FFABFEA0000 Size: 380416 WINTRUST.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10B50000 Size: 292864 msvcrt.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11930000 Size: 477184 VERSION.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09C40000 Size: 10752 IMM32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB110E0000 Size: 122368 advapi32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB117B0000 Size: 427520 bcrypt.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10B20000 Size: 103424 sechost.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10E30000 Size: 412672 SHLWAPI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB115D0000 Size: 182784 bink2w64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFABFF40000 Size: 307712 combase.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB12540000 Size: 2327040 SHELL32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11D30000 Size: 5803520 ole32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB114A0000 Size: 832000 OLEAUT32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11C60000 Size: 608256 WININET.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF7250000 Size: 2026496 WINMM.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB05E20000 Size: 81408 MF.dll Base Address: 0x7FFACE000000 Size: 340992 msdmo.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF3490000 Size: 13312 MFPlat.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAE59D0000 Size: 1409536 PROPSYS.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0B840000 Size: 631296 MFReadWrite.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB4950000 Size: 918016 cfgmgr32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10BC0000 Size: 218624 WTSAPI32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0A9E0000 Size: 37888 d3d9.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAEC9A0000 Size: 1371648 D3DCOMPILER_43.dll Base Address: 0x7FFACBE10000 Size: 2423296 shcore.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11140000 Size: 476672 DINPUT8.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09E90000 Size: 169472 GFSDK_TXAA_AlphaResolve.win64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09E70000 Size: 48128 XINPUT1_3.dll Base Address: 0x400000 Size: 85504 SETUPAPI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB12900000 Size: 864768 IPHLPAPI.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB0F860000 Size: 170496 powrprof.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10300000 Size: 70656 winmmbase.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE68C0000 Size: 95232 d3dx9_43.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB46E0000 Size: 2280960 kernel.appcore.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0ED30000 Size: 16384 dwmapi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0DC40000 Size: 99328 Base Address: 0x7FFB0E110000 Size: 5819904 OPENGL32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFACBC40000 Size: 909312 Wldp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0FE10000 Size: 94720 GLU32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE4400000 Size: 122880 MFCORE.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAB4250000 Size: 3960832 ksuser.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09C50000 Size: 6144 CRYPTBASE.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB0FD60000 Size: 10752 UMPDC.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB102E0000 Size: 34816 bcryptPrimitives.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10570000 Size: 408576 RTWorkQ.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAE5990000 Size: 105472 MSASN1.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0FFA0000 Size: 34816 inputhost.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB037D0000 Size: 976384 wintypes.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0D180000 Size: 487424 CoreUIComponents.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0D3E0000 Size: 1804800 CoreMessaging.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0D770000 Size: 606720 ntmarta.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0F5D0000 Size: 140288 dbghelp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0E970000 Size: 1400320 dbgcore.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAF82E0000 Size: 136704 CRYPTSP.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0FD70000 Size: 46080 d3d12.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF0A90000 Size: 73728 rsaenh.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0F490000 Size: 142336 uxtheme.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0DA40000 Size: 382464 imagehlp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10E10000 Size: 45056 clbcatq.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB12490000 Size: 437760 dxdiagn.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF0A00000 Size: 395264 d3d11.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0C9A0000 Size: 1853440 DEVOBJ.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10160000 Size: 109056 dxgi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0ED50000 Size: 614912 WMICLNT.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0B680000 Size: 31744 wbemprox.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB090B0000 Size: 27648 wbemcomn.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB07E80000 Size: 328704 gpapi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0ED00000 Size: 69120 wbemsvc.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB075C0000 Size: 7168 cryptnet.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09B70000 Size: 135168 profapi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB103D0000 Size: 68608 fastprox.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB07690000 Size: 708608 amsi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB06D50000 Size: 62464 USERENV.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB10390000 Size: 108032 WINNSI.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB09C30000 Size: 11776 NSI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB12480000 Size: 7680 MpOav.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB06C20000 Size: 204800 EOSSDK-Win64-Shipping.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB3830000 Size: 7229440 WLDAP32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11750000 Size: 240128 Normaliz.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB110D0000 Size: 512 WINHTTP.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09D60000 Size: 845312 Secur32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF8680000 Size: 11264 MSVCP140.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF4DF0000 Size: 346112 VCRUNTIME140.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF4E80000 Size: 65024 SSPICLI.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB10350000 Size: 123392 VCRUNTIME140_1.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF4DA0000 Size: 15360 dhcpcsvc6.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB09730000 Size: 23552 dhcpcsvc.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB09800000 Size: 61440 PrxerDrv.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAEE140000 Size: 60416 mswsock.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0FB70000 Size: 331776 PrxerNsp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE93B0000 Size: 46080 DNSAPI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0F8A0000 Size: 599040 napinsp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE8BE0000 Size: 50176 pnrpnsp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE8BC0000 Size: 66048 wshbth.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAEC040000 Size: 43008 NLAapi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0BBF0000 Size: 68608 winrnr.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE8BA0000 Size: 32768 nvapi64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB07F30000 Size: 6356480 drvstore.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB09920000 Size: 979456 D3D10_1.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAF09C0000 Size: 130048 d3d10_1core.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB04100000 Size: 7680 nvspcap64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFABFBC0000 Size: 2055680 MSCTF.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB11630000 Size: 864256 textinputframework.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB03970000 Size: 725504 QQPinyinTSF.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF3FA0000 Size: 97792 QQPinyin.ime Base Address: 0x7FFAE1090000 Size: 6509568 USP10.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF3F80000 Size: 512 MSIMG32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB01570000 Size: 1536 rasadhlp.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB01160000 Size: 7168 fwpuclnt.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB02E20000 Size: 288768 TextShaping.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF6C50000 Size: 304640 WINSTA.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB101C0000 Size: 219648 nvldumdx.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB01CA0000 Size: 597504 edputil.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAEE0A0000 Size: 85504 Windows.StateRepositoryPS.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF3340000 Size: 29696 urlmon.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB00D50000 Size: 1279488 iertutil.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB01960000 Size: 549888 srvcli.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB00D20000 Size: 54272 netutils.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0F970000 Size: 19456 virtdisk.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0BEF0000 Size: 40960 FLTLIB.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAF0400000 Size: 12800 appresolver.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAEE5F0000 Size: 414720 Bcp47Langs.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB066F0000 Size: 220160 SLC.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0EFD0000 Size: 133120 sppc.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0EFA0000 Size: 86528 OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF4360000 Size: 16384 OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB05F20000 Size: 98304 nvwgf2umx.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFB890000 Size: 35051008 NvCamera64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB2FD0000 Size: 4093952 WindowsCodecs.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB071D0000 Size: 1328128 XINPUT9_1_0.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF5BD0000 Size: 4096 HID.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB0ECB0000 Size: 20480 MessageBus.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFA2C0000 Size: 5349888 dxcore.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0B6A0000 Size: 147968 d3dcompiler_47_64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB2BC0000 Size: 3922944 nvcuda64.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB2220000 Size: 5683200 MMDevApi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0A320000 Size: 387072 XAudio2_7.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB2060000 Size: 485376 AUDIOSES.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB0A3B0000 Size: 1037312 resourcepolicyclient.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0DB40000 Size: 31744 Windows.UI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB03B10000 Size: 731136 WindowManagementAPI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB075E0000 Size: 450048 twinapi.appcore.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0AA20000 Size: 1449984 avrt.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB07CB0000 Size: 5632 MessageBus.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF5470000 Size: 5349888 socialclub.dll Base Address: 0x7FFABEFD0000 Size: 5094912 chrome_elf.dll Base Address: 0x7FFABEEC0000 Size: 685568 libcef.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAB6E20000 Size: 109755392 COMDLG32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB119D0000 Size: 684032 OLEACC.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB01500000 Size: 260608 UIAutomationCore.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFAE7790000 Size: 2041344 NETAPI32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFA240000 Size: 47616 COMCTL32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFB170000 Size: 560128 DWrite.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFAEF0000 Size: 1601024 WINSPOOL.DRV Base Address: 0x7FFB012B0000 Size: 349184 dxva2.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE9690000 Size: 96256 credui.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF07A0000 Size: 61952 ncrypt.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0FE80000 Size: 102400 CRYPTUI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF35E0000 Size: 246272 wevtapi.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0A180000 Size: 296960 ESENT.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFAA00000 Size: 2585088 WKSCLI.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB0F5B0000 Size: 45568 SAMCLI.DLL Base Address: 0x7FFB09670000 Size: 61440 NTASN1.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0FE40000 Size: 81408 FirewallAPI.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0F080000 Size: 364544 fwbase.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0F040000 Size: 159744 FWPolicyIOMgr.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAFA260000 Size: 216064 wdmaud.drv Base Address: 0x7FFAB1560000 Size: 193024 msacm32.drv Base Address: 0x7FFAF4540000 Size: 17920 MSACM32.dll Base Address: 0x7FFABFFD0000 Size: 74240 midimap.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF4280000 Size: 13312 ondemandconnroutehelper.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAF6900000 Size: 42496 YimMenu.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAD8380000 Size: 3466240 D3DCOMPILER_47.dll Base Address: 0x7FFB0BF80000 Size: 3396608 xinput1_4.dll Base Address: 0x7FFAE8B20000 Size: 30208 Dumping registers: RAX: 0x1A00B9EE140 RCX: 0x1A00B9861A8 RDX: 0x1A00B9EE140 RBX: 0x0 RSI: 0x7FF7F32807D0 RDI: 0x1A00B6DB830 RSP: 0x73A14FDE60 RBP: 0x73A14FDF59 R8: 0x0 R9: 0x2A R10: 0x1A00B4FC6D0 R11: 0x1A00B9EE140 R12: 0x1 R13: 0x1 R14: 0x1A00C511C00 R15: 0x0 Dumping stacktrace: [0] YimMenu.dll+0xD7EAE 0x7FFAD8457EAE [1] GTA5.exe+0x11413AC 0x7FF7F1A613AC [2] GTA5.exe+0x1140D0A 0x7FF7F1A60D0A [3] GTA5.exe+0x1144C6D 0x7FF7F1A64C6D [4] GTA5.exe+0x1143DAE 0x7FF7F1A63DAE [5] GTA5.exe+0x11457CB 0x7FF7F1A657CB [6] GTA5.exe+0x16D04B3 0x7FF7F1FF04B3 [7] GTA5.exe+0x16CF94B 0x7FF7F1FEF94B [8] GTA5.exe+0x11458C5 0x7FF7F1A658C5 [9] GTA5.exe+0x10BAAA9 0x7FF7F19DAAA9 [10] GTA5.exe+0x161A8E9 0x7FF7F1F3A8E9 [11] GTA5.exe+0x161A11B 0x7FF7F1F3A11B [12] GTA5.exe+0x277F6 0x7FF7F09477F6 [13] GTA5.exe+0x20E9B 0x7FF7F0940E9B [14] GTA5.exe+0x1619D24 0x7FF7F1F39D24 [15] GTA5.exe+0x1494 0x7FF7F0921494 [16] GTA5.exe+0x12F22C3 0x7FF7F1C122C3 [17] GTA5.exe+0x180CE38 0x7FF7F212CE38 [18] KERNEL32.DLL BaseThreadInitThunk [19] ntdll.dll RtlUserThreadStart --------End of exception--------

CrazyZhang666 commented 1 year ago


immoke commented 1 year ago


我尝试了把BigBaseV2删除,也尝试了小助手里,重置YimMenu配置文件,还是出现崩溃。我看您几天又更新了,我更新一下,试试,如果不行我再来反馈 非常感谢。