In a short period of time I had two failure of step motor drivers (A4988) circuits. First with Y axis and second with E. I found no other solution than changing the board. Is this a known problem ? Is there something I failed to do to avoid such failures ? Measures with oscilloscope shows no current on the failing driver capacity (c17 for Y) and didn't yet measure it but wwill do shortly, I expect c25 current to be null.
Can you help about it ?
In a short period of time I had two failure of step motor drivers (A4988) circuits. First with Y axis and second with E. I found no other solution than changing the board. Is this a known problem ? Is there something I failed to do to avoid such failures ? Measures with oscilloscope shows no current on the failing driver capacity (c17 for Y) and didn't yet measure it but wwill do shortly, I expect c25 current to be null. Can you help about it ? Thanks