CrealityOfficial / CrealityPrint

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[Mac] Command+S keyboard shortcut is mapped to a file open command instead of a save command, resulting in data loss #125

Open Its-The-Fuzz opened 1 month ago

Its-The-Fuzz commented 1 month ago

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a project with Creality Print 5 for Mac.
  2. Spend a lot of time fine-tuning it to be just right.
  3. Press Command+S to save the project and confirm

You've just destroyed all your work because Command+S doesn't save, it loads. Command+S has been the standard keyboard shortcut for "Save" for four decades.

Its-The-Fuzz commented 1 month ago

Update: I now see that "New Project" command is mapped to Command+O. Again, this is the wrong key. Since 1984, the keystroke for creating a new document has been Command+N.