CrealityOfficial / CrealityPrint

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All Zero Bed Temp Crashes K1C #155

Open raycardillo opened 4 weeks ago

raycardillo commented 4 weeks ago

I'm not sure if this problem is in the slicer (Creality Print) or if it's in the firmware of the K1C, but I've annoyingly reproduced this more times that I would like to admit. I was trying to setup a material to have no bed temp (cold bed). However, if you set all bed temps to 0 (zero) and send that to the printer, it freezes after the cleaning nozzle phase.

On my K1C, I cannot stop the job, and I loose network connectivity until I power off, wait for a few minutes, and then power back on. In most cases, I also have to reboot my router or the device does not reconnect to the network properly. I know that all sounds strange, and sounds like it should not be related, but I've done this about 10 times before I realized that it was the Zero bed temp settings in Creality Print that is causing the problem.