CrealityOfficial / CrealityPrint

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Ender 3 V3 issues Creality Print 5 #170

Open kybarg opened 3 weeks ago

kybarg commented 3 weeks ago

1. Accelerations on axes for this printer are wrong

Seems like values are copied from K1C or some other printer.

    "machine_max_acceleration_e": "5000",
    "machine_max_acceleration_extruding": "5000",
    "machine_max_acceleration_retracting": "5000",
    "machine_max_acceleration_travel": "20000",
    "machine_max_acceleration_x": "20000",
    "machine_max_acceleration_y": "20000",
    "machine_max_acceleration_z": "500",

So for Core XY printer with screw rod bed, values of 20000 for XY axes and 500 for Z axis are understanble. As Ender 3 V3 is Core XZ pritner, I assume 20000 shoulbe be value for XZ axes and for Y (as this is bed sligner) shoud be 500 (or more?) Correct me if I'm wrong and slcier and firmare treat axes differnetly

2. Default extruder profile is wrong

As far as i know K1C and Ender 3 V3 have same head and extruder but values for both differ and seems like Ender 3 V3 has some random config from Bambu lab A1 printer

3. Max jerk and speed values seem to be random or copied from some Core XY printer (K1C again?)

I kow that "jerk values" gonna deprecated in latest Klipper release and replaced with some other options. But for now these values seem to be out of nowhere

    "machine_max_jerk_e": "5",
    "machine_max_jerk_x": "50",
    "machine_max_jerk_y": "50",
    "machine_max_jerk_z": "2",
    "machine_max_speed_e": "100",
    "machine_max_speed_x": "800",
    "machine_max_speed_y": "800",
    "machine_max_speed_z": "30",

So same problem here... why X and Y axes have smae values while actually X and Z share same mechanical part and sohuld have same values.