CrealityOfficial / CrealityPrint

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Initial Print Temperature 4.3.9 Beta #53

Open frankt2012 opened 5 months ago

frankt2012 commented 5 months ago

Initial Print Temperature 4.3.9 beta is not working. Not sure if it was working in previous versions. I wanted to raise it up to get a better first layer but it prints at 220 no matter what. I set the Initial Print Temperature to 230.

kashank commented 3 months ago

@frankt2012 I just ran into this as well on You're actually looking for "Printing Temperature Initial Layer", which apparently can only be found when toggling "advanced" mode and looking for it. However setting that value still does nothing as it doesn't actually persist when the "save" button is clicked: image

kashank commented 3 months ago

Found a workaround - exporting a printer profile and then adding the line:

material_print_temperature_layer_0=*your value here*

Then re-importing the profile will allow you to see and edit "Printing Temperature Initial Layer" for that profile. This might be an issue with how the slicer treats the built-in profiles.

frankt2012 commented 3 months ago

Found a workaround - exporting a printer profile and then adding the line:

material_print_temperature_layer_0=*your value here*

Then re-importing the profile will allow you to see and edit "Printing Temperature Initial Layer" for that profile. This might be an issue with how the slicer treats the built-in profiles.

Thank you. I have to check that out. Hopefully they will fix this in a new beta for 4.3.9. The first beta they posted works great for me except this issue and bridging seem to be broken. I hope they post a new one soon. I see there where updates after the last beta but can't figure out how to compile it in Windows.