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How to use in React with npm ? #1047

Closed pxim closed 4 years ago

pxim commented 4 years ago


Issue Details

I want to use createjs in React with npm. But i don't know how to do . Is there a example ?

danzen commented 4 years ago

I've bumped into a few people using CreateJS within React. I have some messages out...

pxim commented 4 years ago

I have solved the problem. Use my npm npm i createjs-libs

danzen commented 4 years ago

Great - cheers. I wonder if what you did was similar to what we did a while back - - I will check yours out at some point, and you are welcome to try mine to see if it works too!

pxim commented 4 years ago

Great - cheers. I wonder if what you did was similar to what we did a while back - - I will check yours out at some point, and you are welcome to try mine to see if it works too!

OK, I'll try. Thank you.