CreateJS / EaselJS

The Easel Javascript library provides a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with the HTML5 Canvas element much easier.
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Add support for non breaking spaces #1060

Closed daedeloth closed 2 years ago

daedeloth commented 3 years ago


I've changed the way words are split in Text elements so that it respects non breaking spaces. I feel like this should be the default way of handling this, so that's why I'm submitting this pull requests :-)

Thanks for your consideration


daedeloth commented 3 years ago


This sounds very strange, I have a build of this at and I'm already using this in our project at, so not sure why it wouldn't work? What is the error you are seeing?

Thanks Thijs

daedeloth commented 3 years ago

Sorry, you are correct, it is not working at the moment. I'll see if I can fix it.

daedeloth commented 3 years ago

Sorry about this, it wasn't properly tested and I incorrectly copied the regular expression from Now it should be correct.

danzen commented 2 years ago

This was put in place without the Merge... not sure why but it was there when I looked.