CreateJS / EaselJS

The Easel Javascript library provides a full, hierarchical display list, a core interaction model, and helper classes to make working with the HTML5 Canvas element much easier.
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New touch issues on touch-screen boards with new Chrome #1067

Closed danzen closed 2 years ago

danzen commented 2 years ago

It looks like Chrome has changed something in the way it handles touch - at least on touch boards - reports have come in from people not being able to use touch on Smartboard, Ctouch, Promethean and Clevertouch boards with Chrome version: 99.0.4844.51 (Official Build) (64-bit) . Chrome was working pre March 1st.

We expect it is something in the CreateJS although at ZIM we run our own version that is roughly the same. Wondering if there are any reports here, any fixes or any thoughts. Just starting to look into it again. Cheers.

danzen commented 2 years ago

Here is a test page - if you get a chance to try it on a touch screen board, please let us know if it is dragging the slider and the ball okay or not and which touch screen and which chrome. Thanks. image

dijitaletkinlikler commented 2 years ago

I can test this page on the smartboard tomorrow. There were no problems with carrying in the activities I used at school today. The chrome version used on the smart board at school is 99. I'll test it tomorrow and get back to you.

dijitaletkinlikler commented 2 years ago

Today I had the opportunity to experiment extensively on the smart board. I haven't encountered a problem with touch.

danzen commented 2 years ago

Okay - looks like it was a false alarm - where perhaps it was a specific issue with the app code being used. The tests have gone out on our basic touch and results back from the various schools were that the test is working fine. Closing the issue.