CreateJS / SoundJS

A Javascript library for working with Audio. It provides a consistent API for loading and playing audio on different browsers and devices. Currently supports WebAudio, HTML5 Audio, Cordova / PhoneGap, and a Flash fallback.
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Is able Playing Sound/track with higher/lower frequence(Hz) by SoundJs #291

Closed Cpin0312 closed 6 years ago

Cpin0312 commented 6 years ago

I have making a matching game, and i wish to play a sound when matched. i need to make this sound been higher tone(Hz) each gem was matched. Example like 1 combo : sound with 1Hz 2 combos : sound with 2Hz 3 combos : sound with 3Hz 4 combos : sound with 4Hz

i have my own sound file and what i want to do is every time i play it, sound frequency(Hz) would been higher.Not generate a new sound.

is i able to do like this with SoundJs?

lannymcnie commented 6 years ago

Are you talking about generating audio? SoundJS just deals with the playback of sound files.

Cpin0312 commented 6 years ago

Thank for reply! @lannymcnie sorry for miss explain about sound source. i have my own sound file and what i want to do is every time i play it, sound frequency(Hz) would been higher. Is SoundJs available to do like this?

lannymcnie commented 6 years ago

Currently SoundJS can not affect audio that way. You can access the WebAudioPlugin context, and work directly with it, but its not really optimized to do that. Check out the WebAudio Node Insertion demo, which does some direct access, and might give you a place to start.

We are working on a new approach that will enable better WebAudio features, but its a ways out.

Cpin0312 commented 6 years ago

@lannymcnie Thanks,I would try it later!!