CreateJS / TweenJS

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CSSPlugin.js does not take all css styles into account #27

Closed geo-at-github closed 7 years ago

geo-at-github commented 11 years ago

The "CSSplugin.js" uses instead of getComputedStyle(). This prevents it from handling predefined css attributes correctly (e.g. predefined values from a css file are ignored). Also float values are not converted correctly because of parseInt().

Here is a quick fix:

 * @method init
 * @protected
 * @static
CSSPlugin.init = function(tween, prop, value) {
    var sfx0,sfx1,map = CSSPlugin.cssSuffixMap;
    var style = CSSPlugin.getComputedStyle(, prop);
    if ((sfx0 = map[prop]) == null || !style) { return value; }
    var str = style;
    if (!str) { return 0; } // no style set.
    var i = str.length-sfx0.length;
    if ((sfx1 = str.substr(i)) != sfx0) {
        throw("CSSPlugin Error: Suffixes do not match. ("+sfx0+":"+sfx1+")");
    } else {
        if( str.indexOf('.') < 0 )
            return parseInt(str.substr(0,i));
            return parseFloat(str.substr(0,i));

 * @method getComputedStyle
 * @protected
 * @static
CSSPlugin.getComputedStyle = function(target, prop) {
        if(document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle){
            return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle.getPropertyValue(prop);
            var camelCasedCssProperty = prop.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (g) { return g.charAt(1).toUpperCase() });
                return target.currentStyle(camelCasedCssProperty);
        return window.getComputedStyle(target).getPropertyValue(prop);
lannymcnie commented 10 years ago

CSSPlugin is just a sample to show you what is possible with plugins. I will leave this open as a reminder to eventually address it.

Thanks for the heads up!

gskinner commented 7 years ago

We've done some updates to the CSSPlugin, but are not using getComputedStyle yet.

My main concerns are that getComputedStyle is a fairly expensive operation, and we ideally should look it up for every single new .to that includes new properties. We could possibly cheat, and store the value off in the tween, but that could potentially get memory intensive, and lead to odd results in some edge cases.

I'll do some focused performance testing and see if this is as much of a concern as I'm making it out to be.

gskinner commented 7 years ago

I did a few really naive tests, culminating in this:

It looks promising. The first getComputedStyle call is quite expensive (~0.1ms), but after that they are relatively cheap (<0.001ms each). Again this is using a really simple hierarchy and stylesheet, so I imagine it would be more expensive with more complex scenarios.

gskinner commented 7 years ago

Ok. Did some slightly more real-world testing, and it's not so good. I implemented getComputedStyle into CSSPlugin (literally a single line change), and the time to create 1000 tweens went from ~50ms to ~380ms. Moving some styles into a class increased that further to ~400ms, so complexity seems to factor in.

Another, perhaps more major concern is that getComputedStyle() normalizes units. Right now I can set = "20%", and tween to 50%. With getComputedStyle that gets converted to px which makes things a lot less responsive.

Maybe we could add an option to enable this?

CSSPlugin.computedDefault = false;
Tween.get(o, {pluginData:{CSS_computed:true}}).to( ... );

Feedback welcome.

gskinner commented 7 years ago

I have added this as CSSPlugin.compute and pluginData.CSS_compute. Testing and feedback are appreciated.