CreatechStudio / MC-Mod-Integration

这是一个基于Fabric的原版生存优化,旨在可以让你的原版生存中的操作更加便捷。无论你是在本地生存,创造建筑、机器,亦或是在Hypixel SMP中与好友游玩,相信这一定是一个很好的整合包。
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 1 forks source link

进入hypixel直接卡死 #26

Closed Whit3b1ade closed 1 year ago

Whit3b1ade commented 1 year ago


卡死 没有动过mod或者描述文件


  1. 直接进入hypixel





macOS 13.0


openjdk 17.0.3 2022-04-19 LTS OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu17.34+19-CA (build 17.0.3+7-LTS) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu17.34+19-CA (build 17.0.3+7-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)


Command: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-17.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java "-Djava.rmi.server.useCodebaseOnly=true" "-Dcom.sun.jndi.rmi.object.trustURLCodebase=false" "-Dcom.sun.jndi.cosnaming.object.trustURLCodebase=false" "-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true" "-Dlog4j.configurationFile=/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/versions/Createch Mod Integration Pack/log4j2.xml" -Xmx5120m "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" "-Dsun.stdout.encoding=UTF-8" "-Dsun.stderr.encoding=UTF-8" "-Dminecraft.client.jar=.minecraft/versions/Createch Mod Integration Pack/Createch Mod Integration Pack.jar" "-Xdock:name=Minecraft Createch Mod Integration Pack" "-Xdock:icon=/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/assets/objects/99/991b421dfd401f115241601b2b373140a8d78572" "-Duser.home=null" -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC "-XX:G1NewSizePercent=20" "-XX:G1ReservePercent=20" "-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50" "-XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32m" -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow -XX:-DontCompileHugeMethods "-Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true" "-Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true" -XstartOnFirstThread "-Djava.library.path=/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/versions/Createch Mod Integration Pack/natives-osx-x86_64" "-Dminecraft.launcher.brand=HMCL" "-Dminecraft.launcher.version=" -cp "/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/net/fabricmc/tiny-mappings-parser/0.3.0+build.17/tiny-mappings-parser-0.3.0+build.17.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.11.4+mixin.0.8.5/sponge-mixin-0.11.4+mixin.0.8.5.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/net/fabricmc/tiny-remapper/0.8.2/tiny-remapper-0.8.2.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/net/fabricmc/access-widener/2.1.0/access-widener-2.1.0.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm/9.3/asm-9.3.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-analysis/9.3/asm-analysis-9.3.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-commons/9.3/asm-commons-9.3.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-tree/9.3/asm-tree-9.3.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/ow2/asm/asm-util/9.3/asm-util-9.3.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/net/fabricmc/intermediary/1.19.2/intermediary-1.19.2.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/net/fabricmc/fabric-loader/0.14.9/fabric-loader-0.14.9.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/mojang/logging/1.0.0/logging-1.0.0.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/mojang/blocklist/1.0.10/blocklist-1.0.10.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/mojang/patchy/2.2.10/patchy-2.2.10.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/github/oshi/oshi-core/5.8.5/oshi-core-5.8.5.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/net/java/dev/jna/jna/5.10.0/jna-5.10.0.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/net/java/dev/jna/jna-platform/5.10.0/jna-platform-5.10.0.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/1.8.0-beta4/slf4j-api-1.8.0-beta4.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-slf4j18-impl/2.17.0/log4j-slf4j18-impl-2.17.0.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/ibm/icu/icu4j/70.1/icu4j-70.1.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/mojang/javabridge/1.2.24/javabridge-1.2.24.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/net/sf/jopt-simple/jopt-simple/5.0.4/jopt-simple-5.0.4.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/io/netty/netty-common/4.1.77.Final/netty-common-4.1.77.Final.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/io/netty/netty-buffer/4.1.77.Final/netty-buffer-4.1.77.Final.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/io/netty/netty-codec/4.1.77.Final/netty-codec-4.1.77.Final.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/io/netty/netty-handler/4.1.77.Final/netty-handler-4.1.77.Final.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/io/netty/netty-resolver/4.1.77.Final/netty-resolver-4.1.77.Final.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/io/netty/netty-transport/4.1.77.Final/netty-transport-4.1.77.Final.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/io/netty/netty-transport-native-unix-common/4.1.77.Final/netty-transport-native-unix-common-4.1.77.Final.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/io/netty/netty-transport-classes-epoll/4.1.77.Final/netty-transport-classes-epoll-4.1.77.Final.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/google/guava/failureaccess/1.0.1/failureaccess-1.0.1.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/google/guava/guava/31.0.1-jre/guava-31.0.1-jre.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-lang3/3.12.0/commons-lang3-3.12.0.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/commons-io/commons-io/2.11.0/commons-io-2.11.0.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.15/commons-codec-1.15.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/mojang/brigadier/1.0.18/brigadier-1.0.18.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/mojang/datafixerupper/5.0.28/datafixerupper-5.0.28.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.8.9/gson-2.8.9.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/mojang/authlib/3.11.49/authlib-3.11.49.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/apache/commons/commons-compress/1.21/commons-compress-1.21.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpclient/4.5.13/httpclient-4.5.13.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/commons-logging/commons-logging/1.2/commons-logging-1.2.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/apache/httpcomponents/httpcore/4.4.14/httpcore-4.4.14.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/it/unimi/dsi/fastutil/8.5.6/fastutil-8.5.6.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-api/2.17.0/log4j-api-2.17.0.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-core/2.17.0/log4j-core-2.17.0.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/3.3.1/lwjgl-3.3.1.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/3.3.1/lwjgl-3.3.1-natives-macos.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl/3.3.1/lwjgl-3.3.1-natives-macos-arm64.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc/3.3.1/lwjgl-jemalloc-3.3.1.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc/3.3.1/lwjgl-jemalloc-3.3.1-natives-macos.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-jemalloc/3.3.1/lwjgl-jemalloc-3.3.1-natives-macos-arm64.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal/3.3.1/lwjgl-openal-3.3.1.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal/3.3.1/lwjgl-openal-3.3.1-natives-macos.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-openal/3.3.1/lwjgl-openal-3.3.1-natives-macos-arm64.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl/3.3.1/lwjgl-opengl-3.3.1.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl/3.3.1/lwjgl-opengl-3.3.1-natives-macos.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-opengl/3.3.1/lwjgl-opengl-3.3.1-natives-macos-arm64.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw/3.3.1/lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw/3.3.1/lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1-natives-macos.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-glfw/3.3.1/lwjgl-glfw-3.3.1-natives-macos-arm64.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb/3.3.1/lwjgl-stb-3.3.1.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb/3.3.1/lwjgl-stb-3.3.1-natives-macos.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-stb/3.3.1/lwjgl-stb-3.3.1-natives-macos-arm64.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-tinyfd/3.3.1/lwjgl-tinyfd-3.3.1.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-tinyfd/3.3.1/lwjgl-tinyfd-3.3.1-natives-macos.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/org/lwjgl/lwjgl-tinyfd/3.3.1/lwjgl-tinyfd-3.3.1-natives-macos-arm64.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/com/mojang/text2speech/1.13.9/text2speech-1.13.9.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/libraries/ca/weblite/java-objc-bridge/1.1/java-objc-bridge-1.1.jar:/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/versions/Createch Mod Integration Pack/Createch Mod Integration Pack.jar" net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient --username MyEnder --version "Createch Mod Integration Pack" --gameDir "/Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/versions/Createch Mod Integration Pack" --assetsDir /Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/assets --assetIndex 1.19 --uuid 829db40cd3664e5dbf63006920f18ccc --accessToken <access token> --clientId "\${clientid}" --xuid "\${auth_xuid}" --userType mojang --versionType "HMCL" --width 1680 --height 954
[21:30:02] [LunaR_coin/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LunaR_coin INFO] Loading LunaR_coin's profile.
[21:30:02] [LunaR_coin/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LunaR_coin INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:02] [LunaR_coin/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LunaR_coin INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:02] [LunaR_coin/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LunaR_coin INFO] LunaR_coin's profile loaded.
[21:30:02] [LunaR_coin/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LunaR_coin INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl:  , Expiry: 1672320632)
[21:30:02] [EPR13/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [EPR13 INFO] Loading EPR13's profile.
[21:30:02] [EPR13/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [EPR13 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:02] [EPR13/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [EPR13 INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:02] [EPR13/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [EPR13 INFO] EPR13's profile loaded.
[21:30:02] [EPR13/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [EPR13 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320632)
[21:30:02] [xStrkx/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [xStrkx INFO] Loading xStrkx's profile.
[21:30:02] [xStrkx/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [xStrkx INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:02] [xStrkx/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [xStrkx INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:02] [xStrkx/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [xStrkx INFO] xStrkx's profile loaded.
[21:30:02] [xStrkx/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [xStrkx INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320632)
[21:30:02] [YFreedoma/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [YFreedoma INFO] Loading YFreedoma's profile.
[21:30:02] [YFreedoma/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [YFreedoma INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:02] [YFreedoma/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [YFreedoma INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:02] [YFreedoma/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [YFreedoma INFO] YFreedoma's profile loaded.
[21:30:02] [YFreedoma/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [YFreedoma INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320632)
[21:30:02] [intimidador/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [intimidador INFO] Loading intimidador's profile.
[21:30:02] [intimidador/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [intimidador INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:02] [intimidador/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [intimidador INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:02] [intimidador/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [intimidador INFO] intimidador's profile loaded.
[21:30:02] [intimidador/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [intimidador INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320632)
[21:30:03] [AndreSk_/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [AndreSk_ INFO] Loading AndreSk_'s profile.
[21:30:03] [LoskaTO/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LoskaTO INFO] Loading LoskaTO's profile.
[21:30:03] [AndreSk_/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [AndreSk_ INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:03] [LoskaTO/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LoskaTO INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:03] [AndreSk_/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [AndreSk_ INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:03] [LoskaTO/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LoskaTO INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:03] [AndreSk_/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [AndreSk_ INFO] AndreSk_'s profile loaded.
[21:30:03] [AndreSk_/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [AndreSk_ INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320633)
[21:30:03] [LoskaTO/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LoskaTO INFO] LoskaTO's profile loaded.
[21:30:03] [LoskaTO/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LoskaTO INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320633)
[21:30:03] [YaoYuanzhi/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [YaoYuanzhi INFO] Loading YaoYuanzhi's profile.
[21:30:03] [YaoYuanzhi/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [YaoYuanzhi INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:03] [YaoYuanzhi/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [YaoYuanzhi INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:03] [YaoYuanzhi/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [YaoYuanzhi INFO] YaoYuanzhi's profile loaded.
[21:30:03] [YaoYuanzhi/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [YaoYuanzhi INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl:  , Expiry: 1672320633)
[21:30:03] [64lrd7g46j/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [64lrd7g46j INFO] Loading 64lrd7g46j's profile.
[21:30:03] [64lrd7g46j/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [64lrd7g46j INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:03] [64lrd7g46j/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [64lrd7g46j INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:03] [64lrd7g46j/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [64lrd7g46j INFO] 64lrd7g46j's profile loaded.
[21:30:03] [64lrd7g46j/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [64lrd7g46j INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320633)
[21:30:03] [72525js993/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [72525js993 INFO] Loading 72525js993's profile.
[21:30:03] [72525js993/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [72525js993 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:03] [72525js993/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [72525js993 INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:03] [72525js993/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [72525js993 INFO] 72525js993's profile loaded.
[21:30:03] [72525js993/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [72525js993 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320633)
[21:30:03] [759yph5f20/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [759yph5f20 INFO] Loading 759yph5f20's profile.
[21:30:03] [759yph5f20/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [759yph5f20 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:03] [759yph5f20/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [759yph5f20 INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:03] [759yph5f20/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [759yph5f20 INFO] 759yph5f20's profile loaded.
[21:30:03] [759yph5f20/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [759yph5f20 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320633)
[21:30:03] [80o6e493s0/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [80o6e493s0 INFO] Loading 80o6e493s0's profile.
[21:30:03] [80o6e493s0/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [80o6e493s0 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:03] [80o6e493s0/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [80o6e493s0 INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:03] [80o6e493s0/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [80o6e493s0 INFO] 80o6e493s0's profile loaded.
[21:30:03] [80o6e493s0/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [80o6e493s0 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320633)
[21:30:03] [d57zt87vib/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [d57zt87vib INFO] Loading d57zt87vib's profile.
[21:30:03] [d57zt87vib/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [d57zt87vib INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:03] [d57zt87vib/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [d57zt87vib INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:03] [d57zt87vib/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [d57zt87vib INFO] d57zt87vib's profile loaded.
[21:30:03] [d57zt87vib/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [d57zt87vib INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320633)
[21:30:03] [gaup736z85/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [gaup736z85 INFO] Loading gaup736z85's profile.
[21:30:03] [gaup736z85/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [gaup736z85 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:03] [gaup736z85/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [gaup736z85 INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:03] [gaup736z85/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [gaup736z85 INFO] gaup736z85's profile loaded.
[21:30:03] [gaup736z85/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [gaup736z85 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320633)
[21:30:07] [b72t6dkca3/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [b72t6dkca3 INFO] Loading b72t6dkca3's profile.
[21:30:07] [b72t6dkca3/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [b72t6dkca3 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:07] [b72t6dkca3/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [b72t6dkca3 INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:07] [b72t6dkca3/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [b72t6dkca3 INFO] b72t6dkca3's profile loaded.
[21:30:07] [b72t6dkca3/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [b72t6dkca3 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320637)
[21:30:24] [§725643b4-9f14-440d-bbff-5275fee0381e's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§725643b4-9f14-440d-bbff-5275fee0381e's skull INFO] Loading §725643b4-9f14-440d-bbff-5275fee0381e's profile.
[21:30:24] [exbAxon/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [exbAxon INFO] Loading exbAxon's profile.
[21:30:24] [Imgungyea/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Imgungyea INFO] Loading Imgungyea's profile.
[21:30:24] [lessio7658/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [lessio7658 INFO] Loading lessio7658's profile.
[21:30:24] [§725643b4-9f14-440d-bbff-5275fee0381e's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§725643b4-9f14-440d-bbff-5275fee0381e's skull INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:24] [Imgungyea/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Imgungyea INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:24] [lessio7658/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [lessio7658 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:24] [exbAxon/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [exbAxon INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:24] [§725643b4-9f14-440d-bbff-5275fee0381e's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§725643b4-9f14-440d-bbff-5275fee0381e's skull INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:24] [Imgungyea/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Imgungyea INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:24] [exbAxon/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [exbAxon INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:24] [§725643b4-9f14-440d-bbff-5275fee0381e's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§725643b4-9f14-440d-bbff-5275fee0381e's skull INFO] §725643b4-9f14-440d-bbff-5275fee0381e's profile loaded.
[21:30:24] [lessio7658/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [lessio7658 INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:24] [lessio7658/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [lessio7658 INFO] lessio7658's profile loaded.
[21:30:24] [Imgungyea/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Imgungyea INFO] Imgungyea's profile loaded.
[21:30:24] [§725643b4-9f14-440d-bbff-5275fee0381e's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§725643b4-9f14-440d-bbff-5275fee0381e's skull INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320654)
[21:30:24] [Imgungyea/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Imgungyea INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320654)
[21:30:24] [exbAxon/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [exbAxon INFO] exbAxon's profile loaded.
[21:30:24] [exbAxon/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [exbAxon INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320654)
[21:30:24] [lessio7658/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [lessio7658 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320654)
[21:30:24] [§bRainbow Present11's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bRainbow Present11's skull INFO] Loading §bRainbow Present11's profile.
[21:30:24] [§bRainbow Present11's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bRainbow Present11's skull INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'.
[21:30:24] [§bRainbow Present11's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bRainbow Present11's skull INFO] Default profile will be used.
[21:30:24] [§bRainbow Present11's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bRainbow Present11's skull INFO] §bRainbow Present11's profile loaded.
[21:30:24] [§bRainbow Present11's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bRainbow Present11's skull INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null  , Expiry: 1672320654)


No response


lightumcc commented 1 year ago

请使用浏览器访问 检查是否显示如下界面

Whit3b1ade commented 1 year ago

请使用浏览器访问 检查是否显示如下界面 image


lightumcc commented 1 year ago

你是用的是play.hypixel.net加入的Hypixel Network吗

Whit3b1ade commented 1 year ago

你是用的是play.hypixel.net加入的Hypixel Network吗


lightumcc commented 1 year ago

我不认为你上传了完整的日志,请尝试使用崩溃弹窗-日志-导出按钮重试 在测试机上,我们获得了几乎和您一样的日志但是没有引发游戏崩溃

lightumcc commented 1 year ago


Whit3b1ade commented 1 year ago

我不认为你上传了完整的日志,请尝试使用崩溃弹窗-日志-导出按钮重试 在测试机上,我们获得了几乎和您一样的日志但是没有引发游戏崩溃

或者这样说,我进入hypixel之后稍微过了几秒就会卡顿,然后卡死,只能使用强制退出来获取崩溃日志 我可以再试一下

lightumcc commented 1 year ago

我不认为你上传了完整的日志,请尝试使用崩溃弹窗-日志-导出按钮重试 在测试机上,我们获得了几乎和您一样的日志但是没有引发游戏崩溃

或者这样说,我进入hypixel之后稍微过了几秒就会卡顿,然后卡死,只能使用强制退出来获取崩溃日志 我可以再试一下


lightumcc commented 1 year ago

正常来说,Minecraft会在日志第一行声明Minecraft版本而不是启动命令,在macOS上第一句日志应该是Permission Denied

lightumcc commented 1 year ago


Whit3b1ade commented 1 year ago

44011672322429_ pic_hd 有一个问题,当我的聊天框弹出“点击下面的文本以启用下雪粒子效果”的时候,游戏就会未响应

lightumcc commented 1 year ago


Whit3b1ade commented 1 year ago


Whit3b1ade commented 1 year ago
image image


lightumcc commented 1 year ago

看来这个问题不是由Minecraft Capes造成的,我先将其还原回分支

lightumcc commented 1 year ago


Whit3b1ade commented 1 year ago


Whit3b1ade commented 1 year ago


Whit3b1ade commented 1 year ago

重启了,这次只是多撑了一会儿 附上日志 [22:24:00] [Render thread/INFO]: OpenAL initialized on device CoreAudio Default [22:24:00] [Render thread/INFO]: Sound engine started [22:24:03] [Thread-14/ERROR]: ERROR: Unable to start next audio! Timeout while starting clip! (config/startup/logo.ogg) [22:24:07] [Thread-71/WARN]: Making an API call for MyEnder [22:24:13] [Thread-71/WARN]: MyEnder ("829db40c-d366-4e5d-bf63-006920f18ccc") was found [22:24:18] [Thread-75/ERROR]: ERROR: Unable to start next audio! Timeout while starting clip! (config/startup/logo.ogg) [22:24:19] [Thread-81/ERROR]: ERROR: Unable to start next audio! Timeout while starting clip! (config/startup/logo.ogg) [22:24:29] [Thread-85/ERROR]: ERROR: Unable to start next audio! Timeout while starting clip! (config/startup/logo.ogg) [22:24:39] [Thread-88/ERROR]: ERROR: Unable to start next audio! Timeout while starting clip! (config/startup/logo.ogg) [22:24:49] [Thread-91/ERROR]: ERROR: Unable to start next audio! Timeout while starting clip! (config/startup/logo.ogg) [22:24:59] [Thread-94/ERROR]: ERROR: Unable to start next audio! Timeout while starting clip! (config/startup/logo.ogg) [22:25:03] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: (MidnightLib) Player hats successfully loaded! [22:25:09] [Thread-97/ERROR]: ERROR: Unable to start next audio! Timeout while starting clip! (config/startup/logo.ogg) [22:25:19] [Thread-100/ERROR]: ERROR: Unable to start next audio! Timeout while starting clip! (config/startup/logo.ogg) [22:25:29] [Thread-103/ERROR]: ERROR: Unable to start next audio! Timeout while starting clip! (config/startup/logo.ogg) [22:25:34] [Thread-106/INFO]: Force-killed audio loading thread, because element unloaded while thread was running! (config/startup/logo.ogg) [22:25:36] [Netty Client IO #0/INFO]: Auto-detected 1.16.4/5 (754) for [22:25:40] [Netty Client IO #3/INFO]: Auto-detected 1.19.1/2 (760) for [22:25:42] [Netty Client IO #5/INFO]: Auto-detected 1.19.1/2 (760) for [22:25:42] [Netty Client IO #6/INFO]: is force-disabled. (Matches [22:25:43] [Netty Client IO #6/INFO]: is force-disabled. (Matches [22:25:43] [Netty Client IO #7/INFO]: Auto-detected 1.19.1/2 (760) for [22:25:48] [Server Pinger #4/WARN]: Could not auto-detect protocol for java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException [22:26:19] [Render thread/INFO]: pcaSyncProtocol onDisconnect. [22:26:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Saved 'betterstats' config. [22:26:19] [Render thread/INFO]: Connecting to, 25565 [22:26:20] [Netty Client IO #10/INFO]: Auto-detected 1.19.1/2 (760) for [22:26:21] [Netty Client IO #11/INFO]: is force-disabled. (Matches * [22:26:22] [Render thread/INFO]: New minimap session initialized! [22:26:22] [Render thread/INFO]: New world map session initialized! [22:26:22] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Reloading Plugin Manager [REIPlugin] stage [START], registered 7 plugins: ReiRecipeAction [wthit], DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems], REITooltipPlugin [appleskin], DefaultClientRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems], FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin, DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems], DefaultClientPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] [22:26:22] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Reloading Plugin Manager [REIClientPlugin] stage [START], registered 4 plugins: ReiRecipeAction [wthit], REITooltipPlugin [appleskin], DefaultClientRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems], DefaultClientPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] [22:26:22] [Render thread/INFO]: Started 2 worker threads [22:26:23] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Reloading Plugin Manager [REIServerPlugin] stage [START], registered 3 plugins: DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems], FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin, DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] [22:26:23] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [WTHIT] Show recipe action set for Roughly Enough Items [22:26:23] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Reloaded Plugin Manager [REIPlugin] with 7 plugins in 139.8 ms. [22:26:23] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Reloaded Plugin Manager [REIClientPlugin] with 4 plugins in 605.8 ms. [22:26:23] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Reloaded Plugin Manager [REIServerPlugin] with 3 plugins in 16.68 ms. [22:26:23] [Render thread/INFO]: [inventoryprofilesnext] Loaded 19 external GUI hints [22:26:23] [Render thread/INFO]: [inventoryprofilesnext] Loaded 738 build-in GUI hints [22:26:23] [Render thread/INFO]: [inventoryprofilesnext] Effective GUI hints after merge: 738 [22:26:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Sending secret request to the server [22:26:23] [Render thread/INFO]: Using 3 total BufferBuilder caches [22:26:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: west with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}} [22:26:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: east with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}} [22:26:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: south with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}} [22:26:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: north with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}} [22:26:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: west with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}} [22:26:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: east with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}} [22:26:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: south with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}} [22:26:24] [Render thread/WARN]: Unable to read property: north with value: false for blockstate: {Name:"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall",Properties:{east:"false",north:"false",south:"false",up:"false",west:"false"}} [22:26:24] [Render thread/WARN]: [REI] Suppressing Reload Plugins of stage START [22:26:25] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Reloading Plugin Manager [REIPlugin] stage [END], registered 7 plugins: ReiRecipeAction [wthit], DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems], REITooltipPlugin [appleskin], DefaultClientRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems], FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin, DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems], DefaultClientPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] [22:26:25] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Reloading Plugin Manager [REIClientPlugin] stage [END], registered 4 plugins: ReiRecipeAction [wthit], REITooltipPlugin [appleskin], DefaultClientRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems], DefaultClientPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] [22:26:25] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Reloading Plugin Manager [REIServerPlugin] stage [END], registered 3 plugins: DefaultRuntimePlugin [roughlyenoughitems], FabricFluidAPISupportPlugin, DefaultPlugin [roughlyenoughitems] [22:26:25] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Reloaded Plugin Manager [REIPlugin] with 7 plugins in 60.38 ms. [22:26:25] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Reloaded Plugin Manager [REIClientPlugin] with 4 plugins in 499.4 ms. [22:26:25] [REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [REI] Reloaded Plugin Manager [REIServerPlugin] with 3 plugins in 11.36 ms.

[22:26:27] [Render thread/INFO]: [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Loading 1 plugin: shulkerboxtooltip [22:26:27] [Render thread/INFO]: [ShulkerBoxTooltip] Registered 7 providers for mod shulkerboxtooltip [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Log Path: /Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/versions/Createch Mod Integration Pack/CustomSkinLoader/CustomSkinLoader.log [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] CustomSkinLoader 14.14-SNAPSHOT-343 [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] DataDir: /Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/versions/Createch Mod Integration Pack/CustomSkinLoader [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Operating System: Mac OS X (x86_64) version 10.16 [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Java Version: 17, Eclipse Adoptium [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Java VM Version: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode, sharing), Eclipse Adoptium [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Minecraft: 1.19.2 [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Config File: /Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/versions/Createch Mod Integration Pack/CustomSkinLoader/CustomSkinLoader.json [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Try to load config. [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Successfully load config. [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Add a profile loader: MojangAPI [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Add a profile loader: Legacy [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Add a profile loader: CustomSkinAPI [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Add a profile loader: CustomSKinAPIPlus [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Add a profile loader: UniSkinAPI [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Add a profile loader: ElyByAPI [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Add a profile loader: GlitchlessAPI [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Add a profile loader: MinecraftCapesAPI [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] Successfully update config. [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] version : 14.14 [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] buildNumber : 343 [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] loadlist : [{ "name": "Mojang", "type": "MojangAPI", "apiRoot": "", "sessionRoot": "" }, { "name": "LittleSkin", "type": "CustomSkinAPI", "root": "" }, { "name": "BlessingSkin", "type": "CustomSkinAPI", "root": "" }, { "name": "ElyBy", "type": "ElyByAPI", "root": "" }, { "name": "SkinMe", "type": "UniSkinAPI", "root": "" }, { "name": "TLauncher", "type": "ElyByAPI", "root": "" }, { "name": "LocalSkin", "type": "Legacy", "checkPNG": "false", "skin": "LocalSkin/skins/{USERNAME}.png", "model": "auto", "cape": "LocalSkin/capes/{USERNAME}.png", "elytra": "LocalSkin/elytras/{USERNAME}.png" }, { "name": "GlitchlessGames", "type": "GlitchlessAPI", "root": "" }, { "name": "MinecraftCapes", "type": "MinecraftCapesAPI", "root": "" }] [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] enableDynamicSkull : true [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] enableTransparentSkin : true [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] forceIgnoreHttpsCertificate : false [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] forceLoadAllTextures : false [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] enableCape : true [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] threadPoolSize : 3 [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] retryTime : 1 [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] cacheExpiry : 30 [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] forceUpdateSkull : false [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] enableLocalProfileCache : false [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] enableCacheAutoClean : false [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] forceDisableCache : false [22:26:28] [thBhappy's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [thBhappy's skull INFO] Loading thBhappy's profile. [22:26:28] [thBhappy's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [thBhappy's skull INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:28] [thBhappy's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [thBhappy's skull INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:28] [thBhappy's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [thBhappy's skull INFO] thBhappy's profile loaded. [22:26:28] [thBhappy's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [thBhappy's skull INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324018) [22:26:28] [Render thread/INFO]: Animated skins loaded and ready to use! [22:26:28] [DOLLCORE/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [DOLLCORE INFO] Loading DOLLCORE's profile. [22:26:28] [DOLLCORE/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [DOLLCORE INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:28] [DOLLCORE/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [DOLLCORE INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:28] [DOLLCORE/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [DOLLCORE INFO] DOLLCORE's profile loaded. [22:26:28] [DOLLCORE/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [DOLLCORE INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324018) [22:26:28] [Minelaxie/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Minelaxie INFO] Loading Minelaxie's profile. [22:26:28] [Minelaxie/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Minelaxie INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:28] [Minelaxie/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Minelaxie INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:28] [Minelaxie/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Minelaxie INFO] Minelaxie's profile loaded. [22:26:28] [Minelaxie/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Minelaxie INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324018) [22:26:28] [NarineGeauche/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [NarineGeauche INFO] Loading NarineGeauche's profile. [22:26:28] [NarineGeauche/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [NarineGeauche INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:28] [NarineGeauche/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [NarineGeauche INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:28] [NarineGeauche/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [NarineGeauche INFO] NarineGeauche's profile loaded. [22:26:28] [NarineGeauche/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [NarineGeauche INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324018) [22:26:28] [§bTraffic Light1's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bTraffic Light1's skull INFO] Loading §bTraffic Light1's profile. [22:26:28] [§bTraffic Light1's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bTraffic Light1's skull INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:28] [§bTraffic Light1's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bTraffic Light1's skull INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:28] [§bTraffic Light1's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bTraffic Light1's skull INFO] §bTraffic Light1's profile loaded. [22:26:28] [§bTraffic Light1's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bTraffic Light1's skull INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324018) [22:26:28] [veyltt's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [veyltt's skull INFO] Loading veyltt's profile. [22:26:28] [veyltt's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [veyltt's skull INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:28] [veyltt's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [veyltt's skull INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:28] [veyltt's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [veyltt's skull INFO] veyltt's profile loaded. [22:26:28] [veyltt's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [veyltt's skull INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324018) [22:26:29] [Render thread/INFO]: Reloading entity icon resources... [22:26:29] [Heidychyyy/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Heidychyyy INFO] Loading Heidychyyy's profile. [22:26:29] [Heidychyyy/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Heidychyyy INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [Heidychyyy/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Heidychyyy INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [Heidychyyy/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Heidychyyy INFO] Heidychyyy's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [Heidychyyy/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Heidychyyy INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019)

[22:26:29] [MyEnder's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [MyEnder's skull INFO] Loading MyEnder's profile. [22:26:29] [MyEnder's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [MyEnder's skull INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [MyEnder's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [MyEnder's skull INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [MyEnder's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [MyEnder's skull INFO] MyEnder's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [MyEnder's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [MyEnder's skull INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [qroku/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [qroku INFO] Loading qroku's profile. [22:26:29] [qroku/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [qroku INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [qroku/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [qroku INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [qroku/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [qroku INFO] qroku's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [qroku/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [qroku INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [LocalUberDrivers/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LocalUberDrivers INFO] Loading LocalUberDrivers's profile. [22:26:29] [LocalUberDrivers/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LocalUberDrivers INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [LocalUberDrivers/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LocalUberDrivers INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [LocalUberDrivers/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LocalUberDrivers INFO] LocalUberDrivers's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [LocalUberDrivers/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LocalUberDrivers INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [Render thread/INFO]: DurabilityViewer did not find Trinkets API [22:26:29] [Render thread/INFO]: DurabilityViewer did not find Tech Reborn [22:26:29] [coeinminecraft/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [coeinminecraft INFO] Loading coeinminecraft's profile. [22:26:29] [coeinminecraft/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [coeinminecraft INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [coeinminecraft/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [coeinminecraft INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [coeinminecraft/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [coeinminecraft INFO] coeinminecraft's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [coeinminecraft/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [coeinminecraft INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [KnackeKung/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [KnackeKung INFO] Loading KnackeKung's profile. [22:26:29] [KnackeKung/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [KnackeKung INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [KnackeKung/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [KnackeKung INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [KnackeKung/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [KnackeKung INFO] KnackeKung's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [KnackeKung/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [KnackeKung INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [Khax_i/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Khax_i INFO] Loading Khax_i's profile. [22:26:29] [Khax_i/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Khax_i INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [Khax_i/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Khax_i INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [Khax_i/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Khax_i INFO] Khax_i's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [Khax_i/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Khax_i INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [_ZBJ/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [_ZBJ INFO] Loading _ZBJ's profile. [22:26:29] [_ZBJ/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [_ZBJ INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [_ZBJ/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [_ZBJ INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [_ZBJ/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [_ZBJ INFO] _ZBJ's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [_ZBJ/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [_ZBJ INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [Render thread/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Render thread INFO] ThreadDownloadImageData Class: net.minecraft.class_1046 [22:26:29] [Activities/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Activities INFO] Loading Activities's profile. [22:26:29] [Activities/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Activities INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [Activities/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Activities INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [Activities/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Activities INFO] Activities's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [Activities/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Activities INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [kremowkowy_gosc/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [kremowkowy_gosc INFO] Loading kremowkowy_gosc's profile. [22:26:29] [kremowkowy_gosc/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [kremowkowy_gosc INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [kremowkowy_gosc/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [kremowkowy_gosc INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [kremowkowy_gosc/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [kremowkowy_gosc INFO] kremowkowy_gosc's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [kremowkowy_gosc/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [kremowkowy_gosc INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [MarcuzFire/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [MarcuzFire INFO] Loading MarcuzFire's profile. [22:26:29] [MarcuzFire/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [MarcuzFire INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [MarcuzFire/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [MarcuzFire INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [MarcuzFire/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [MarcuzFire INFO] MarcuzFire's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [MarcuzFire/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [MarcuzFire INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [xTheAlex14/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [xTheAlex14 INFO] Loading xTheAlex14's profile. [22:26:29] [xTheAlex14/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [xTheAlex14 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [xTheAlex14/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [xTheAlex14 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [xTheAlex14/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [xTheAlex14 INFO] xTheAlex14's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [xTheAlex14/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [xTheAlex14 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [veyltt/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [veyltt INFO] Cached profile will be used. [22:26:29] [veyltt/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [veyltt INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324018) [22:26:29] [Aplicacion/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Aplicacion INFO] Loading Aplicacion's profile. [22:26:29] [Aplicacion/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Aplicacion INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [Aplicacion/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Aplicacion INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [Aplicacion/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Aplicacion INFO] Aplicacion's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [Aplicacion/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Aplicacion INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [desb34/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [desb34 INFO] Loading desb34's profile. [22:26:29] [desb34/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [desb34 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [desb34/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [desb34 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [desb34/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [desb34 INFO] desb34's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [desb34/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [desb34 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [Pallottino_00/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Pallottino_00 INFO] Loading Pallottino_00's profile. [22:26:29] [Pallottino_00/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Pallottino_00 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [Pallottino_00/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Pallottino_00 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [Pallottino_00/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Pallottino_00 INFO] Pallottino_00's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [Pallottino_00/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Pallottino00 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [ZaraWinddrifter/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ZaraWinddrifter INFO] Loading ZaraWinddrifter's profile. [22:26:29] [ZaraWinddrifter/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ZaraWinddrifter INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [ZaraWinddrifter/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ZaraWinddrifter INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [ZaraWinddrifter/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ZaraWinddrifter INFO] ZaraWinddrifter's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [ZaraWinddrifter/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ZaraWinddrifter INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ INFO] Loading 's profile. [22:26:29] [/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ INFO] 's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [kpdsr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [kpdsr INFO] Loading kpdsr's profile. [22:26:29] [kpdsr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [kpdsr INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [kpdsr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [kpdsr INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [ElizavetaArkh/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ElizavetaArkh INFO] Loading ElizavetaArkh's profile. [22:26:29] [kpdsr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [kpdsr INFO] kpdsr's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [ElizavetaArkh/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ElizavetaArkh INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [kpdsr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [kpdsr INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [ElizavetaArkh/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ElizavetaArkh INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [ElizavetaArkh/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ElizavetaArkh INFO] ElizavetaArkh's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [ElizavetaArkh/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ElizavetaArkh INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [0q9befgsa6/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [0q9befgsa6 INFO] Loading 0q9befgsa6's profile. [22:26:29] [0q9befgsa6/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [0q9befgsa6 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [0q9befgsa6/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [0q9befgsa6 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [0q9befgsa6/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [0q9befgsa6 INFO] 0q9befgsa6's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [44u5m9447k/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [44u5m9447k INFO] Loading 44u5m9447k's profile. [22:26:29] [44u5m9447k/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [44u5m9447k INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [0q9befgsa6/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [0q9befgsa6 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [salt1804/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [salt1804 INFO] Loading salt1804's profile. [22:26:29] [salt1804/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [salt1804 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [44u5m9447k/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [44u5m9447k INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [salt1804/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [salt1804 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [44u5m9447k/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [44u5m9447k INFO] 44u5m9447k's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [salt1804/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [salt1804 INFO] salt1804's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [salt1804/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [salt1804 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [44u5m9447k/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [44u5m9447k INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [Shingocr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Shingocr INFO] Loading Shingocr's profile. [22:26:29] [Shingocr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Shingocr INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [Pipoune444/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Pipoune444 INFO] Loading Pipoune444's profile. [22:26:29] [Pipoune444/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Pipoune444 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [Pipoune444/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Pipoune444 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [Pipoune444/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Pipoune444 INFO] Pipoune444's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [Pipoune444/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Pipoune444 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [Shingocr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Shingocr INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [Shingocr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Shingocr INFO] Shingocr's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [Shingocr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Shingocr INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:29] [Sihaya/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Sihaya INFO] Loading Sihaya's profile. [22:26:29] [Sihaya/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Sihaya INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:29] [Sihaya/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Sihaya INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:29] [Sihaya/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Sihaya INFO] Sihaya's profile loaded. [22:26:29] [Sihaya/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Sihaya_ INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324019) [22:26:30] [u25/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [u25 INFO] Loading u25's profile. [22:26:30] [u25/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [u25 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [u25/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [u25 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [u25/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [u25 INFO] u25's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [u25/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [u25 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [Gnfinnit/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Gnfinnit INFO] Loading Gnfinnit's profile. [22:26:30] [Gnfinnit/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Gnfinnit INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [Gnfinnit/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Gnfinnit INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [Gnfinnit/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Gnfinnit INFO] Gnfinnit's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [Gnfinnit/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Gnfinnit INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [t966ghovp8/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [t966ghovp8 INFO] Loading t966ghovp8's profile. [22:26:30] [t966ghovp8/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [t966ghovp8 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [t966ghovp8/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [t966ghovp8 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [t966ghovp8/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [t966ghovp8 INFO] t966ghovp8's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [t966ghovp8/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [t966ghovp8 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [6779806am1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [6779806am1 INFO] Loading 6779806am1's profile. [22:26:30] [6779806am1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [6779806am1 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [6779806am1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [6779806am1 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [6779806am1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [6779806am1 INFO] 6779806am1's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [6779806am1/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [6779806am1 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [54m3m6b98v/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [54m3m6b98v INFO] Loading 54m3m6b98v's profile. [22:26:30] [54m3m6b98v/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [54m3m6b98v INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [54m3m6b98v/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [54m3m6b98v INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [54m3m6b98v/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [54m3m6b98v INFO] 54m3m6b98v's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [54m3m6b98v/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [54m3m6b98v INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [o3h9766d13/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [o3h9766d13 INFO] Loading o3h9766d13's profile. [22:26:30] [o3h9766d13/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [o3h9766d13 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [o3h9766d13/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [o3h9766d13 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [o3h9766d13/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [o3h9766d13 INFO] o3h9766d13's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [o3h9766d13/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [o3h9766d13 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [VersedCello4179/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [VersedCello4179 INFO] Loading VersedCello4179's profile. [22:26:30] [VersedCello4179/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [VersedCello4179 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [VersedCello4179/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [VersedCello4179 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [VersedCello4179/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [VersedCello4179 INFO] VersedCello4179's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [VersedCello4179/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [VersedCello4179 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [chengge4444/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [chengge4444 INFO] Loading chengge4444's profile. [22:26:30] [chengge4444/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [chengge4444 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [chengge4444/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [chengge4444 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [chengge4444/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [chengge4444 INFO] chengge4444's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [chengge4444/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [chengge4444 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [1dnaj20k4q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [1dnaj20k4q INFO] Loading 1dnaj20k4q's profile. [22:26:30] [1dnaj20k4q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [1dnaj20k4q INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [1dnaj20k4q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [1dnaj20k4q INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [1dnaj20k4q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [1dnaj20k4q INFO] 1dnaj20k4q's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [1dnaj20k4q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [1dnaj20k4q INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [n8hdky3496/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [n8hdky3496 INFO] Loading n8hdky3496's profile. [22:26:30] [n8hdky3496/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [n8hdky3496 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [n8hdky3496/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [n8hdky3496 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [n8hdky3496/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [n8hdky3496 INFO] n8hdky3496's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [n8hdky3496/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [n8hdky3496 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [y7w0z19578/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [y7w0z19578 INFO] Loading y7w0z19578's profile. [22:26:30] [y7w0z19578/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [y7w0z19578 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [y7w0z19578/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [y7w0z19578 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [y7w0z19578/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [y7w0z19578 INFO] y7w0z19578's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [y7w0z19578/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [y7w0z19578 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [wi0032500k/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [wi0032500k INFO] Loading wi0032500k's profile. [22:26:30] [wi0032500k/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [wi0032500k INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [wi0032500k/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [wi0032500k INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [wi0032500k/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [wi0032500k INFO] wi0032500k's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [wi0032500k/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [wi0032500k INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [39l4m02uh5/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [39l4m02uh5 INFO] Loading 39l4m02uh5's profile. [22:26:30] [39l4m02uh5/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [39l4m02uh5 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:30] [39l4m02uh5/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [39l4m02uh5 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:30] [39l4m02uh5/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [39l4m02uh5 INFO] 39l4m02uh5's profile loaded. [22:26:30] [39l4m02uh5/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [39l4m02uh5 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324020) [22:26:30] [MyEnder/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [MyEnder INFO] Cached profile will be used. [22:26:30] [MyEnder/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [MyEnder INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324019) [EntityOutliner] Failed to load EntityOutliner config (NoSuchFileException: /Users/hukaiyi/Desktop/.minecraft/versions/Createch Mod Integration Pack/config/entityoutliner.json)UNSUPPORTED (log once): gldCopyBufferSubData: NEEDS IMPLEMENTATION [22:26:34] [wunlei/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [wunlei INFO] Loading wunlei's profile. [22:26:34] [wunlei/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [wunlei INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:34] [wunlei/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [wunlei INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:34] [wunlei/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [wunlei INFO] wunlei's profile loaded. [22:26:34] [wunlei/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [wunlei INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324024) [22:26:34] [LetsplaySteve/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LetsplaySteve INFO] Loading LetsplaySteve's profile. [22:26:34] [LetsplaySteve/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LetsplaySteve INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:34] [LetsplaySteve/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LetsplaySteve INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:34] [LetsplaySteve/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LetsplaySteve INFO] LetsplaySteve's profile loaded. [22:26:34] [LetsplaySteve/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LetsplaySteve INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324024) [22:26:35] [§redHat's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§redHat's skull INFO] Loading §redHat's profile. [22:26:35] [§redHat's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§redHat's skull INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:35] [§redHat's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§redHat's skull INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:35] [§redHat's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§redHat's skull INFO] §redHat's profile loaded. [22:26:35] [§redHat's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§redHat's skull INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324025) [22:26:35] [ko_kr_profile/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ko_kr_profile INFO] Loading ko_kr_profile's profile. [22:26:35] [ko_kr_profile/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ko_kr_profile INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:35] [ko_kr_profile/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ko_kr_profile INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:35] [ko_kr_profile/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ko_kr_profile INFO] ko_kr_profile's profile loaded. [22:26:35] [ko_kr_profile/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [ko_kr_profile INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324025) [22:26:35] [biel3323232/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [biel3323232 INFO] Loading biel3323232's profile. [22:26:35] [biel3323232/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [biel3323232 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:35] [biel3323232/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [biel3323232 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:35] [biel3323232/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [biel3323232 INFO] biel3323232's profile loaded. [22:26:35] [biel3323232/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [biel3323232 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324025) [22:26:35] [czt65ia09c/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [czt65ia09c INFO] Loading czt65ia09c's profile. [22:26:35] [czt65ia09c/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [czt65ia09c INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:35] [czt65ia09c/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [czt65ia09c INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:35] [czt65ia09c/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [czt65ia09c INFO] czt65ia09c's profile loaded. [22:26:35] [czt65ia09c/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [czt65ia09c INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324025) [22:26:35] [31zy35yb06/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [31zy35yb06 INFO] Loading 31zy35yb06's profile. [22:26:35] [31zy35yb06/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [31zy35yb06 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:35] [31zy35yb06/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [31zy35yb06 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:35] [31zy35yb06/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [31zy35yb06 INFO] 31zy35yb06's profile loaded. [22:26:35] [31zy35yb06/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [31zy35yb06 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324025) [22:26:39] [Render thread/WARN]: Unknown custom packed identifier: badlion:mods [22:26:42] [inm3x3c0si/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [inm3x3c0si INFO] Loading inm3x3c0si's profile. [22:26:42] [inm3x3c0si/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [inm3x3c0si INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:42] [inm3x3c0si/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [inm3x3c0si INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:42] [inm3x3c0si/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [inm3x3c0si INFO] inm3x3c0si's profile loaded. [22:26:42] [inm3x3c0si/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [inm3x3c0si INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324032) [22:26:45] [aui2p95105/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [aui2p95105 INFO] Loading aui2p95105's profile. [22:26:45] [aui2p95105/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [aui2p95105 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:45] [aui2p95105/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [aui2p95105 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:45] [aui2p95105/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [aui2p95105 INFO] aui2p95105's profile loaded. [22:26:45] [aui2p95105/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [aui2p95105 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324035) [22:26:45] [m0ga1rp5xk/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [m0ga1rp5xk INFO] Loading m0ga1rp5xk's profile. [22:26:45] [m0ga1rp5xk/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [m0ga1rp5xk INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:45] [m0ga1rp5xk/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [m0ga1rp5xk INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:45] [m0ga1rp5xk/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [m0ga1rp5xk INFO] m0ga1rp5xk's profile loaded. [22:26:45] [m0ga1rp5xk/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [m0ga1rp5xk INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324035) [22:26:45] [heel3oo776/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [heel3oo776 INFO] Loading heel3oo776's profile. [22:26:45] [heel3oo776/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [heel3oo776 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:45] [heel3oo776/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [heel3oo776 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:45] [heel3oo776/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [heel3oo776 INFO] heel3oo776's profile loaded. [22:26:45] [heel3oo776/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [heel3oo776 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324035) [22:26:47] [175605z22q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [175605z22q INFO] Loading 175605z22q's profile. [22:26:47] [175605z22q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [175605z22q INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:47] [175605z22q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [175605z22q INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:47] [175605z22q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [175605z22q INFO] 175605z22q's profile loaded. [22:26:47] [175605z22q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [175605z22q INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324037) [22:26:47] [§17d2f34f-2447-4ffa-82a4-5a3dfa3a92ff's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§17d2f34f-2447-4ffa-82a4-5a3dfa3a92ff's skull INFO] Loading §17d2f34f-2447-4ffa-82a4-5a3dfa3a92ff's profile. [22:26:47] [§17d2f34f-2447-4ffa-82a4-5a3dfa3a92ff's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§17d2f34f-2447-4ffa-82a4-5a3dfa3a92ff's skull INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:47] [§17d2f34f-2447-4ffa-82a4-5a3dfa3a92ff's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§17d2f34f-2447-4ffa-82a4-5a3dfa3a92ff's skull INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:47] [§17d2f34f-2447-4ffa-82a4-5a3dfa3a92ff's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§17d2f34f-2447-4ffa-82a4-5a3dfa3a92ff's skull INFO] §17d2f34f-2447-4ffa-82a4-5a3dfa3a92ff's profile loaded. [22:26:47] [§17d2f34f-2447-4ffa-82a4-5a3dfa3a92ff's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§17d2f34f-2447-4ffa-82a4-5a3dfa3a92ff's skull INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324037) [22:26:49] [Leephh/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Leephh INFO] Loading Leephh's profile. [22:26:49] [Leephh/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Leephh INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:49] [Leephh/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Leephh INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:49] [Leephh/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Leephh INFO] Leephh's profile loaded. [22:26:49] [Leephh/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Leephh INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324039) [22:26:51] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] §b[MVP§f+§b] SimonoKun§f§6滑入了大厅! [22:26:54] [x41932v0ya/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [x41932v0ya INFO] Loading x41932v0ya's profile. [22:26:54] [x41932v0ya/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [x41932v0ya INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:26:54] [x41932v0ya/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [x41932v0ya INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:26:54] [x41932v0ya/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [x41932v0ya INFO] x41932v0ya's profile loaded. [22:26:54] [x41932v0ya/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [x41932v0ya INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324044) [22:27:00] [DeluxeRaptor744/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [DeluxeRaptor744 INFO] Loading DeluxeRaptor744's profile. [22:27:00] [DeluxeRaptor744/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [DeluxeRaptor744 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:00] [DeluxeRaptor744/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [DeluxeRaptor744 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:00] [DeluxeRaptor744/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [DeluxeRaptor744 INFO] DeluxeRaptor744's profile loaded. [22:27:00] [DeluxeRaptor744/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [DeluxeRaptor744 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324050) [22:27:00] [SimonoKun/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [SimonoKun INFO] Loading SimonoKun's profile. [22:27:00] [SimonoKun/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [SimonoKun INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:00] [SimonoKun/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [SimonoKun INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:00] [SimonoKun/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [SimonoKun INFO] SimonoKun's profile loaded. [22:27:00] [SimonoKun/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [SimonoKun INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324050) [22:27:02] [w88804nyx7/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [w88804nyx7 INFO] Loading w88804nyx7's profile. [22:27:02] [w88804nyx7/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [w88804nyx7 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:02] [w88804nyx7/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [w88804nyx7 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:02] [w88804nyx7/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [w88804nyx7 INFO] w88804nyx7's profile loaded. [22:27:02] [w88804nyx7/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [w88804nyx7 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324052) [22:27:02] [1va62ss1nq/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [1va62ss1nq INFO] Loading 1va62ss1nq's profile. [22:27:02] [1va62ss1nq/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [1va62ss1nq INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:02] [1va62ss1nq/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [1va62ss1nq INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:02] [1va62ss1nq/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [1va62ss1nq INFO] 1va62ss1nq's profile loaded. [22:27:02] [1va62ss1nq/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [1va62ss1nq INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324052) [22:27:04] [4vznh02jxa/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [4vznh02jxa INFO] Loading 4vznh02jxa's profile. [22:27:04] [4vznh02jxa/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [4vznh02jxa INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:04] [4vznh02jxa/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [4vznh02jxa INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:04] [4vznh02jxa/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [4vznh02jxa INFO] 4vznh02jxa's profile loaded. [22:27:04] [4vznh02jxa/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [4vznh02jxa INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324054) [22:27:12] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] \n§r §b点击下面的文本启用下雪粒子效果以获得更好的观赏体验!\n§r §3§l点击启用下雪粒子效果 [22:27:25] [yellowcherry88/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [yellowcherry88 INFO] Loading yellowcherry88's profile. [22:27:25] [Bigfoot_xoxo/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Bigfoot_xoxo INFO] Loading Bigfoot_xoxo's profile. [22:27:25] [r78533g3g4/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [r78533g3g4 INFO] Loading r78533g3g4's profile. [22:27:25] [r78533g3g4/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [r78533g3g4 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [yellowcherry88/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [yellowcherry88 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [Bigfoot_xoxo/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Bigfoot_xoxo INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [yellowcherry88/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [yellowcherry88 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [Bigfoot_xoxo/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Bigfoot_xoxo INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [r78533g3g4/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [r78533g3g4 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [yellowcherry88/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [yellowcherry88 INFO] yellowcherry88's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [Bigfoot_xoxo/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Bigfoot_xoxo INFO] Bigfoot_xoxo's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [r78533g3g4/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [r78533g3g4 INFO] r78533g3g4's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [Bigfoot_xoxo/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Bigfoot_xoxo INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:25] [yellowcherry88/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [yellowcherry88 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:25] [r78533g3g4/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [r78533g3g4 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:25] [977qhnt1q2/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [977qhnt1q2 INFO] Loading 977qhnt1q2's profile. [22:27:25] [h39g57ly49/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [h39g57ly49 INFO] Loading h39g57ly49's profile. [22:27:25] [h39g57ly49/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [h39g57ly49 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [977qhnt1q2/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [977qhnt1q2 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [977qhnt1q2/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [977qhnt1q2 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [h39g57ly49/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [h39g57ly49 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [977qhnt1q2/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [977qhnt1q2 INFO] 977qhnt1q2's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [h39g57ly49/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [h39g57ly49 INFO] h39g57ly49's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [977qhnt1q2/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [977qhnt1q2 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:25] [h39g57ly49/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [h39g57ly49 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:25] [LUNN4Rr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LUNN4Rr INFO] Loading LUNN4Rr's profile. [22:27:25] [LUNN4Rr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LUNN4Rr INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [LUNN4Rr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LUNN4Rr INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [LUNN4Rr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LUNN4Rr INFO] LUNN4Rr's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [LUNN4Rr/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [LUNN4Rr INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:25] [Technopig/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Technopig INFO] Loading Technopig's profile. [22:27:25] [Technopig/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Technopig INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [01Noah01/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [01Noah01 INFO] Loading 01Noah01's profile. [22:27:25] [01Noah01/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [01Noah01 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [01Noah01/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [01Noah01 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [01Noah01/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [01Noah01 INFO] 01Noah01's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [01Noah01/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [01Noah01 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:25] [Technopig/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Technopig INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [Technopig/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Technopig INFO] Technopig's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [Technopig/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [Technopig INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: slim , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:25] [OpenSourcee/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [OpenSourcee INFO] Loading OpenSourcee's profile. [22:27:25] [OpenSourcee/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [OpenSourcee INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [OpenSourcee/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [OpenSourcee INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [OpenSourcee/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [OpenSourcee INFO] OpenSourcee's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [OpenSourcee/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [OpenSourcee INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:25] [B0BEKX/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [B0BEKX INFO] Loading B0BEKX's profile. [22:27:25] [B0BEKX/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [B0BEKX INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [B0BEKX/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [B0BEKX INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [B0BEKX/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [B0BEKX INFO] B0BEKX's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [B0BEKX/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [B0BEKX INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:25] [thegreenhornet21/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [thegreenhornet21 INFO] Loading thegreenhornet21's profile. [22:27:25] [thegreenhornet21/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [thegreenhornet21 INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [thegreenhornet21/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [thegreenhornet21 INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [thegreenhornet21/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [thegreenhornet21 INFO] thegreenhornet21's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [thegreenhornet21/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [thegreenhornet21 INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:25] [9uka2w652m/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [9uka2w652m INFO] Loading 9uka2w652m's profile. [22:27:25] [9uka2w652m/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [9uka2w652m INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [9uka2w652m/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [9uka2w652m INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [9uka2w652m/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [9uka2w652m INFO] 9uka2w652m's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [9uka2w652m/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [9uka2w652m INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:25] [g8vs3p1z7q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [g8vs3p1z7q INFO] Loading g8vs3p1z7q's profile. [22:27:25] [g8vs3p1z7q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [g8vs3p1z7q INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:25] [g8vs3p1z7q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [g8vs3p1z7q INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:25] [g8vs3p1z7q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [g8vs3p1z7q INFO] g8vs3p1z7q's profile loaded. [22:27:25] [g8vs3p1z7q/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [g8vs3p1z7q INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324075) [22:27:26] [§bTraffic Light2's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bTraffic Light2's skull INFO] Loading §bTraffic Light2's profile. [22:27:26] [§bTraffic Light2's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bTraffic Light2's skull INFO] 1/9 Try to load profile from 'Mojang'. [22:27:26] [§bTraffic Light2's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bTraffic Light2's skull INFO] Default profile will be used. [22:27:26] [§bTraffic Light2's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bTraffic Light2's skull INFO] §bTraffic Light2's profile loaded. [22:27:26] [§bTraffic Light2's skull/INFO]: [STDOUT]: [§bTraffic Light2's skull INFO] (SkinUrl: , Model: default , CapeUrl: null , Expiry: 1672324076)

lightumcc commented 1 year ago

我们可能发现了问题 正在等待进一步尝试

lightumcc commented 1 year ago

您好很抱歉让您久等,请按照以下步骤尝试 关闭检查游戏完整性试整合包进入离线模式


取消Custom Skin Loader的复选框

lightumcc commented 1 year ago 我们认为其中包含敏感的个人信息,因此将此评论隐藏并仅供CreatechStudio项目组人员查看

lightumcc commented 1 year ago

我们尝试通过一个commit 来解决这个问题,请删除mod文件夹下的内容重试(请确保启动后模组文件夹下有 CustomSkinLoader_Fabric-14.15-SNAPSHOT-355.jar 这个文件)

lightumcc commented 1 year ago


Whit3b1ade commented 1 year ago


ZhuZuntao commented 1 year ago

Hello Whit3b1ade, we found that you have just completed a issue feedback and resolution through the Createch service desk. We have resolved this problem through the latest submission. If you are not satisfied with this service, please feel free to send an email to, we Will listen carefully to your suggestions