CreativeInquiry / PEmbroider

Embroidery Library for Processing
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Demo example that renders a color photo portrait with Red/Yellow/Blue thread #47

Open golanlevin opened 4 years ago

golanlevin commented 4 years ago

Saving this one for me, just wanted to put it up so I could cross it off.

LingDong- commented 4 years ago
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Hi @golanlevin ,

That sounds really cool so I wanted to give it a quick try ;)

Turned out I can abuse my TSP solver to make dithers. I actually didn't know my particular implementation was good enough to do so until I tried.

For the color one, I simply split the image into 4 channels (CMYK) and run dither and TSP on each. Each "pixel" is divided into 4 (2x2) for each thread so the stitches don't stack at the exact same point.

The code is super simple:

import processing.embroider.*;

PEmbroiderGraphics E;

void dot(float x, float y){
void dot(PVector p){

// Floyd Steinberg dither
ArrayList<PVector> dither(PImage im){
  ArrayList<PVector> pts = new ArrayList<PVector>();
  float[] tmp = new float[im.width*im.height];
  for (int i= 0; i < im.height; i++) {
    for (int j= 0; j < im.width; j++) {
       float o = (im.pixels[i*im.width+j]&255) + tmp[i*im.width+j];
       int n = o > 128 ? 255 : 0;
       float qe = o - n;

       if(j<im.width -1){         tmp[ i   *im.width+ j+1] += qe * 7.0/16.0; }
       if(i<im.height-1){if(j!=0){tmp[(i+1)*im.width+ j-1] += qe * 3.0/16.0; }
                                  tmp[(i+1)*im.width+ j  ] += qe * 5.0/16.0; 
       if(j<im.width -1){         tmp[(i+1)*im.width+ j+1] += qe * 1.0/16.0; }}
       if (n == 0){
         pts.add(new PVector(j,i));
  return pts;

void setup(){
  E = new PEmbroiderGraphics(this);
  PImage im = loadImage("cameraman.bmp");
  ArrayList<PVector> pts = dither(im);
  for (int i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++){


void draw(){
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golanlevin commented 4 years ago

OMG I am slain @LingDong- . Well this is great, because I was taking too long to get around to this anyway. Please push an Example into the examples/ directory and I'll clean it up.

LingDong- commented 4 years ago

Thanks :)

I pushed the examples: eacbe76967c706dca980abe46f5ad82339afa77b