Creators-of-Create / Create

[Forge Mod] Building Tools and Aesthetic Technology
MIT License
2.69k stars 867 forks source link

Create keeps asking for a version of Flywheel that doesn't exist #5513

Closed IHeartDogs02 closed 7 months ago

IHeartDogs02 commented 9 months ago

Describe the Bug

Every time I try to play with the create mod installed is asks for the 0.6.9 version of flywheel. Which doesn't exist. The highest version of flywheel that I have found (both on curseforge and via a google search) is 0.6.8. When I try playing without flywheel it returns it to a generic error "Flywheel (flywheel) has failed to load correctly" "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: null".

Reproduction Steps

  1. install create on 1.18.2 forge
  2. load up game
  3. get error page after loading up ...

Expected Result

I expected the create mod to load correctly and be able to play on the modpack

Screenshots and Videos

No response

Crash Report or Log

No response

Operating System

MacOS Ventura

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Other Mods

I have had this issue with pretty much every modpack that I have tried recently even more popular ones such as All the Mods 7. These are mods in the personal modpack I have created (90 mods). JEI, stucturize, Alex's mobs, Apotheosis, appleskin, architectury API, autoreglib, blockui, bookshelf, chipped, chisel & bits, citadel, cloth config api, clumps, CoFH Core, Comforts, configured, connectedtexturesmod, controlling, create, cucumber library, curios api, domum ornamentum, durability tooltip, easy villagers, enchantment descriptions, engineer's decor, entity culling, fairy lights, farmer's delight, fast leaf decay, feature NBT deadlock be gone, ftb library, ftb ultimine, ice and fire: dragons, ice and fire: dragonseeker, immersive engineering, integrated API, integrated dungeons and structures, jade, journey map, JER, macaw's furniture, macaw's lights and lamps, magnesium/rubidium extras, mantle, max health fix, mekanism, mekanism additions, mekanism generators, mekanism tools, minecolonies, moonlight lib, mouse tweaks, multi-piston, mystical agradditions, mystical agriculture, nature's compass, paladin's furniture, pachouli, placebo, polymorph, quark, refined storage, rubidium, simple storage network, skin layers 3D, sophisticated backpacks, sophisticated core, sophisticated storage, storage drawers, SuperMartijn642's Config lib, supplimentaries, thermal cultivation, thermal dynamics, thermal expansion, thermal foundations, thermal innovation, thermal locomotion, tinker's construct, YUNG'S Api, YUNG'S better desert temples, YUNG'S better dungeons, YUNG'S better mineshafts, YUNG'S better nether fortresses, YUNG'S better ocean monuments, YUNG'S better strongholds, YUNG'S better witch huts, YUNG'S bridges, YUNG'S Extras

Additional Context

I have tried some more official modpacks (including All the Mods 7) and I have the same issue.

CelestialAbyss commented 9 months ago

Please remove the old version of Flywheel that is installed separately as it is already bundled inside of Create 0.5.1c.

IHeartDogs02 commented 9 months ago

As I have stated above when I remove the flywheel mod when playing create 0.5.1c I still cannot play and get an error (also stated in the original issue). I have had to downgrade to create 0.5.1b to get the mod to work and download flywheel.

drwoops commented 9 months ago

remove flywheel, then show us the actual crash report

IHeartDogs02 commented 9 months ago

crash-2023-09-18_08.01.02-fml.pdf Here is a pdf of the crash report. I'm sorry if I attached it in the wrong way because I am very new to Github.

drwoops commented 9 months ago

its a text file my friend, please attach the text file

IHeartDogs02 commented 9 months ago

Sorry I just assumed a pdf copy of it will be fine. Here is the text file crash-2023-09-18_14.58.57-fml.txt

drwoops commented 9 months ago

hmmm.... could you please post the contents of your mods folder

IHeartDogs02 commented 9 months ago

If you don't mind me asking, why do you need it? as I have already provided to mod list. I have downloaded all of these mods from curseforge directly as well. Also I wouldn't know how to attach it. Can I just drag and drop it like a normal file into the text box?

drwoops commented 9 months ago

enjoy your crashes. I hope you find someone that meets your critereria

IHeartDogs02 commented 9 months ago

I'm sorry I meant no offense I was just curious. You have been really helpful so far and I in no way meant to come across as mean. I am simply very new to reporting things on Github and am curious to how things work.

IHeartDogs02 commented 9 months ago

I really didn't mean to come across as rude and I understand how tone can very easily be lost in text especially since I have been writing very quickly in between doing stuff in real life, but I am very sorry it came across that way and I really hope that you are still willing to help me. I couldn't figure out to add the mod folder directly because the file type was not supported so here are some screenshots of it.

Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 7 06 22 PM Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 7 06 40 PM Screenshot 2023-09-18 at 7 07 00 PM